Mecha Assault


  • Posts: 1
Ok, so I've been messing with Stencyl for a while on some pretty big projects and wanted to blow off some steam...

Mecha Assault is my homage to contra style shooter games I played growing up.

All the assets were taken from free resource sites -, etc etc and the game was put together in a day and polished the next to iron out some collision bugs and fix a few graphical issues...

Anyway, it's meant to be tough but I hope you like :)

« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 11:25:21 am by Maramas »


  • Posts: 121
Really good art, it just needs smoother control and some checkpoints.
Also make it so the enemies don't shoot when they first enter the screen.

Pretty good for a day though.
Visit Power Spark to play more of my games.

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
the game is really good, but the tiles blend into the background and i can hardly tell the defferance. i died serveral times because of that.
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  • Posts: 121
the game is really good, but the tiles blend into the background and i can hardly tell the defferance. i died serveral times because of that.

True Dat.
Visit Power Spark to play more of my games.

Stencyl Ninja

  • Posts: 245
This needs the ability to angle the gun and shoot at that angle.
The enemies can shoot at an angle but you can't?
Being an homage to Contra like you say, it should really have it.

Contra also has jumping up through platforms and hold down and jump
to jump down. It's also too easy in terms of enemy AI compared to Contra.

It is very good for 1 day to make and 1 day to polish though, nicely done.
Add what's needed, make some of the backgrounds less dull, improve the AI,
toss in some powerup weapons like spread shot, machine gun, and laser gun,
add boss battles at the end of levels and you've got a nice robot version of Contra!
Good stuff.