Chartboost Mobile Ads (Not Updated)


  • Posts: 219
rob is it possible to show an interstitial video ? not the rewarded ones. And how do i set up that? i donf find any blocks for load or show interstitial video ads...just regular interstitial and rewarded video.


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  • Posts: 9473
They use the same block.  Just choose interstitial video when you set up your Chartboost campaign.


  • Posts: 219
silly question xD when you say "they use the same block" you are reffering to the show rewarded video block, so i have to use that block for showing regular interstitial videos ?

Thanks for your patience  ;) ;)


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  • Posts: 9473
No, it's the interstitial block.


  • Posts: 219
ahhhh ok ok. So, cant i  have both interstitial ads and videos ?.... or can i have both campaigns in chartboost  and use this block ? but what will it show, video or interstitial ads??


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  • Posts: 9473
It will show whatever has a higher campaign priority or probably random if they're the same.  Chartboost does not give you the ability to show static interstitials in one place and video interstitials somewhere else.


  • Posts: 219
Ok, thank you very much rob  :) :) :)


  • Posts: 856
It will show whatever has a higher campaign priority or probably random if they're the same.  Chartboost does not give you the ability to show static interstitials in one place and video interstitials somewhere else.


Basically Chartboost will let you to show static interstitials and video interstitials in different locations.
If you are able to implement this:

So for example if we have CBLocationStartup and CBLocationGameOver we can make 2 publishing campaigns. We can target the first campaign(static interstitials) to show on CBLocationStartup and second campaign(video interstitials) to show at CBLocationGameOver.


  • Posts: 72
Now ot´s working ok with the last stencyl beta version?


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  • Posts: 9473
@GeorgeN Ah OK.  I haven't added locations though because it makes the block more complex and there doesn't seem to be much demand for them.

@dariolessa It should be fine now for both iOS and Android.


  • Posts: 856
@GeorgeN Ah OK.  I haven't added locations though because it makes the block more complex and there doesn't seem to be much demand for them.

@dariolessa It should be fine now for both iOS and Android.

I think adding just 2 locations will do the trick for using static and video interstitials in the same time in a game.


  • Posts: 219
has anyone implemented succesfully chartboost rewarded video ads??? it's been 2 days and i'm still getting the No Ad Found error that im assuming that is due to the fact that im in spain and maybe there is no ads available to show. But someone from us or uk has seen rewarded video ads on their games???


  • Posts: 325
Same situation for me... I live in Italy: NO AD FOUND...
Static ad works well


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  • Posts: 9473
Are the videos lacking on Android, iOS, or both?


  • Posts: 219
i havent tested in iOS but on android it seems that they have a really low number of ads (even zero most of the time), im saying this because i spend hours reading opinions on some forums and all the people say the same about chartboost rewarded video ads (interstitial ones have more availability but still not enough)... that's why i started this post :,38762.0.html

in the other hand , rob you cant do more in this aspect because it's not an error in your code or something like that.

It would be great to have some other ad extensions to show rewarded videos because it seems that a lot of developers are using them with good profit.