How to remove all traces of a particular behavior from game directory?


  • Posts: 1118
I added a new version of the Animation Manager behavior in addition to Falling behavior as per instructions in another one of my threads. I spent today working on another aspect of my game and noticed that when testing my game none of my animations are playing like they should.

I made sure to place the custom blocks in all the correct locations since they had changed from the previous version of Animation Manager. I also placed print blocks at all of the same locations. Upon testing the game the print blocks appear and work properly but again, the animations do not change.

So I reopen the animation manager behavior to find that parts of it are missing. I think a bug or glitch happened that caused parts of the old Animation Manager to remain.

I have tried deleting the behavior, saving my game, closing my game, closing sw, reopening the game, redownloading the behavior and I still have a problem.

Unfortunately situations like this have happened multiple times to me throughout my time in working with SW. I think the problem is that when I download a behavior on forge with the same name as a behavior already in my game the signals get crossed. That or SW really doesn't like my computer.

Anyway, In the past I would just create a completely brand new game, upload the behaviors I absolutely needed and practically start from scratch. This gets really annoying and tedious and pushes me away from using the program.

If Optimize Game size would work properly on my computer, I'm sure a large portion of these traces would be completely gone and I would have less problems, as well, if Stencyl properly removed all assets and references, I'm sure this problem would be wouldn't exist, and Opt Size would be unnecessary. And, if SW would properly, check and rename resources when downloaded from forge I'm sure this problem wouldn't exist.

Anyway, until those solutions are in place and working properly, I need to figure out how to remove every trace of the behavior so that the game acts as if it had never existed and goes back to working properly.

Oh and using the back up copy is useless at this point since I've saved for too many times and made far too many changes.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as well if someone could look into fixing the issues stated above that would be great too. Thanks!
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
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  • Posts: 3127
1) Make sure the behavior isn't referenced by actors, other behaviors, etc.
2) Open you game's folder.
3) Navigate to the folder "snippets" and open "list.xml".
4) Find the tag corresponding to the behavior you want to delete.
5) This step is optional: within this tag find the logo's name (e.g 5.png) so you can delete it.
6) Delete the behavior's tag.
7) Navigate to "resources" and open "data.xml".
8) Search for any reference to the behavior and delete them.

I think I'm not missing anything else...
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 1118
Hrmm I just tried that and it seemed to not work. If I download the behavior again, it looks like everything is fine, but as soon as the game closes and is reopened the custom blocks all disappear.

I removed all references this time and I am getting ready to modify the data/list files. Before I do that though, the name of the behavior is Design_71_71_AnimationManager. If I delete Design_71_71_AnimationManager.DESIGN, can I also delete Design_71_71.DESIGN? or does that reference something entirely different?
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
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  • Posts: 3127
I wouldn't know. Use "snippets/list.xml" to determine whether it's safe to purge a file or not. SW only "sees" behaviors declared by this file, regardless of what's in the folder.
"Find the fun"


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  • Posts: 1259
I've seen other people have issues with missing custom blocks, after downloading behaviors on forge.  I have a suspicion that there is a nasty bug that may be difficult to track down in regards to this.


  • Posts: 1118
Yeah, I have no clue what the problem is with this. I have gone through and combed List.XML, and Data.XML, I removed every trace of "design_71_71", including all .DESIGN files, all resources numbered 71, everything.

I opened SW. Went into my resources on forge and removed the Animation Manager behavior that I uploaded from JnR Lite, I uploaded the behavior again and then downloaded it, again, into my game. Saved the game, closed the game, opened the game, Custom Blocks were all gone.

I am curious, could there be any possibility that conflicts would arise as result of Custom Block ID's somehow being altered. I can't remember how it had happened, but when I was first adding in the behavior, I noticed a few custom blocks had been altered or rather, overwritten.

 I was thinking that some how, for whatever reason, these ID's are getting overwritten, and the reason they may not show up is because SW thinks that they they do exist, just as different blocks than what we want them to be.

Anyway, I think for me to best solve this problem, I will have to just rewrite the behavior myself and possibly give it a different name.

Custom blocks disappearing with behaviors on forge are the biggest problem I have been having and is really annoying. I hope someone has an opportunity to look into it before we launch.
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
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  • Posts: 1118
OK before I created the new Animation Manager behavior which I purposely named "Anim Manager" All of the custom blocks related to Animation Manager were not showing up inside my Power Jump and Falling behaviors.

However, AFTER I created the new behavior, I went to add the blocks in to my Falling/Power Jump behaviors and the blocks had somehow magically existed, though one block was incorrect. Instead of the block being a "Clear animation" block it decided to be a "Play animation Once" block.

Anyway, I am uploading the game in its current state, with the incorrect blocks, to forge so that anyone willing to look into the issue of Custom Blocks disappearing and acting funky can use my game for research. Especially so that someone can look into my theory of Custom Block ID's overwriting each other, or using incorrect references.

Game is called A Second Leap Of Faith.

Relevant behaviors Anim Manager, Falling, Power Jump
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
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