Of Dwarfs and Giants [idea]


  • Posts: 134
This is a run and dodge concept that focuses on the foreground and background, but when you switch to those your player doesn't change size at all.

Thus in the foreground you're a dwarf trying to keep from getting stepped on, the middle is normal paced running, and the background is speeding along destroying towns and avoiding mountains.

I foresee a combo system, a time experience system (each "race" has a charging level bar), a dynamic enemy system, and a checkpoint so you don't always start at level 1. Why not throw in innate upgrades as well?

(BTW if you have to ask why I use dwarfs, it's because I also don't use gianzes :P ).


  • Posts: 53
Sounds like a cool concept to me! :)
Have you made any progress on this game so far??
A Christian indie game developer with a passion to work with people, especially children.
Play my game Jason and Co. at http://www.kongregate.com/games/dutchlee/jason-and-co
Play my game Cabbage Hunt at http://www.kongregate.com/games/dutchlee/cabbage-hunt


  • Posts: 134
It's an idea right now, but I do plan on starting work on this November 1 (doing Depot for October Ludum Dare).


  • Posts: 53
Alrighty. If you need a tester or constructive criticism for the game, let me know!
A Christian indie game developer with a passion to work with people, especially children.
Play my game Jason and Co. at http://www.kongregate.com/games/dutchlee/jason-and-co
Play my game Cabbage Hunt at http://www.kongregate.com/games/dutchlee/cabbage-hunt