How to keep actors from being placed on top of each other?

Wonko the Sane

  • Posts: 19
Basically, I have a scene behavior which should place actors in a grid pattern. However, when I run it, it places all the actors on top of each other. I can tell they're all there (because of actor behaviors), but it looks like they should be put in a grid. What am I doing wrong?
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  • Posts: 2807
Probably because of the repeat inside the repeat. (we need to go deeper... ._.) Though I coul be wrong about this.

And you're creating the actors at startx/starty, when I think you should be creating them at x and y (your attributes that are incremented).

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Wonko the Sane

  • Posts: 19
ahh... But I can't do it with out a repeat inside a repeat. And yes, I should be using x and y.
Wow! A signature! How fascinating! How amazing! How- *falls asleep*