Spine by Esoteric Software (Prototype + Sample provided)


  • Posts: 3
Here's my 30 minute crack at this doing exactly as I said: Wrapping spinehx into a plain extension (attached) and writing a little bit of code (based off their sample) to use it.

Good work, works great! I test skeleton render to have a scale based on device scale (1,1.5,2,4) works also great.
But have one sprite sheet at 4x scale for smaller devices is bad. Is there a chance to generate 4 sizes of sprite sheet and scale skeleton data or other solution (to keep app scaling)? 


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  • Posts: 17524
The full version of this that AnemoneLabSNC was working on probably honors app scales. I'll let him reply on the status of that.


  • Posts: 244
Would it be possible to create a character in Spine/opensource alt. that uses limb sprites and bones to make different animations, whilst drastically reducing the filesize and be customisable?


  • Posts: 3
The full version of this that AnemoneLabSNC was working on probably honors app scales. I'll let him reply on the status of that.

Hi Jon,  scaling is now ok for me. I used external texture packer to scale atlas for each engine scale. Animation is now same in every engine scale. After that SkeletonData must be scaled during the import using scale property.
Where I need your help is the centering animation on actor. Trivial task but nothing work ;)
In the attachment you can find commented spine behavior and loading the right atlas  for scaled skeleton data... If you need another scaled atlases from your spine animation let me know.
I think that must be something about localtoglobal conversion+scale. Trivial but hard to say.

Off topic: I have the same issue when I add normal bitmap to actor and center this bitmap on actors center. Works only in 1x engine scale.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day


  • Posts: 488
Ive just bought my spine license, it would be great to know if theres any progress with the extension, i will probably use spine to export the animations in png format but would be great to use the extension to save images space on the app


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  • Posts: 17524
Hi guys,

I've just created the basic block-friendly spine extension and it works very well.
Currently it supports animations loading, render code and animations change.
Now I'm trying to support animation mixing and animation activation/deactivation.
I think i can upload the first beta version at the end of the week.

If you like to see some specific feature supported, feel free to request and I try to implement it.

Do you have an update on how this is going?


  • Posts: 244
Before I invest in a Spine licence, would it be possible to have some bones act independently of the others

For example, a contra like 2D shooter where a character can aim and point their weapon, whilst running, crouching or jumping?


  • Posts: 6
I'm hoping this doesn't get abandoned. I have a Spine license and I'd love to integrate my Spine animations into Stencyl stuff!


  • Posts: 39
YES! this is the killer feature for me! will try out asap!

you could all try anime pro studio its same and you can find serial! dont encourage it! but its same software you can even draw you charachters in it with custom areas and modify them by adding points to make them form something, also has same ideea with skeletal movement as in spine! tryed spine its more work at it cause you have to always import your images from an external editor (as paint lets say) ! or atleast as i could see ! anime pro has same options and even more exporting power! then spine! you should do a extension for that but i think isnt needed cause you can export to .swf sprite sheets etc! almost everything the licensed version its only around40/70 $ not much ! the problem is that if you dont make more sheets for you char as in photoshop layers i mean ! you will get only a cinematic view also you can create 3d camera movement with it so you can make alot of work that its almost done in some 3d engines ! lots of tutorials check it out! and see ! me one i stick to anime pro for now later il go for blender / unity! :D hope soon!
Selling Games in flash its like eating a Donut. Selling them In Mobile its like eating a Donut with Jetpack!.


  • Posts: 371
Just chiming in that I also have a Spine license and was wondering how things are progressing for this extension… :)


  • Posts: 244
Has anyone had a look at this yet? It appears to be the same type of tool, yet is opensource



  • Posts: 28
Hi! Are there any updates for the newer block extension? Thanks!


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  • Posts: 605
Hi, any news guys ?


  • Posts: 376
I'm thinking it's hard-coding silence. Need to know how well it is going too, as a non-Spine user needing animation to my art...


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  • Posts: 17524
Nothing official is being worked on right now. I'd like to hear back from AnemoneLabSNC before we commit any resources to this on our own.