I"m having trouble getting the editor to start up in stencyl.
Every time I go to Extensions>Dialog Extension nothing happens.
Is this an error or do I have to use my own html editing software to edit texts.
This is my first time using extensions. If anyone could help that would be great.
If you are using Stencyl 3.0 then yeah, I have a hard time adding up Extension too.
1) Go to your Dialog Extension folder and in that folder, there is a folder named "dialog".
2) Double click it, and it should contain another folder named "dialog". (yes again)
3) Copy or cut (whichever) and paste it into your "Stencyl\plaf\haxe\extensions" directory.
4) Open up your Stencyl.exe and goto "Debug" > "View" > "View Workspace Folder" > "stencylworks" > "extensions" and your 'DialogExtension.jar' file should be in there. If not, copy and paste it in there.
5) Restart your "Stencyl.exe" (Just to refresh) and open up any of your games.
6) Go to Settings > Extensions and click "Enable" for the 'Dialog Extension' (It should be there already.)
7) Reopen your game for the effects to take place.