Here is the scale I would like...
Music... 1/10
Art... 1/10
Game-play... 1/10
Fun... 1/10
Scary... 1/10
Polishness... 1/10
I think that scale isn't favorable to you...
What do you mean? Also...I'm not trying to make the ratings go my way. I want to know how people think my game is even if it means letting them rate the weak spots. If what you saying was, that the rating wasn't a good rating system to get good reviews, that's not what I wanted, I just wanted honest reviews throughout the whole game.
But if that isn't what you ment, then I sound foolish. Haha.

Jefferson, I will try making it where you can click to go to the next scene. But tomarrow is a school day, and I won't have much time. But I will try updating it before the 15th when the jam ends!!! I might not be done it time. But I think I should.
Good luck on you Stencyl Jam game!