WIP - Space Dust - Shmup


  • Posts: 223
So, this was more like a side project while updating Final Warrior, but it's kinda grown on me.  It's nowhere near done, mind you, just want feedback.


Link:  http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/22496


  • Posts: 279
I do like those horizontal kind of shooter.

R-Type / UN Squadron (area 88).
Are you going to use the space theme? Or something more real?

Keep it up!

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  • Posts: 223
Yea, I'm going for a space theme with a bit of Bit Trip Runner mixed in (somehow).


  • Posts: 99
you can stay in the top left corner without getting shot

i like it. has a nice retro vibe :)


  • Posts: 223
Thanks for the feedback!

Yea, I plan on having enemies spawn in a much wider range than they have right now.  Also, I do realize that after the initial state of the player and going onto Growth 1 (and so on), you can no longer hold down the fire button to keep firing; rather you have to keep pressing the button.  I hope to fix this and would appreciate any help with that.


  • Posts: 223
Updated!  Made a new enemy type :)


  • Posts: 279
One tip:

Do apply the "Always Simulate" behavior on enemies.
The huge blue things, that are hard to kill, when they touch the left side of the screen they do simple disappear. It seems strange.

To avoid that I do recommend using the "always simulate" and then you control the "kill" of the actor.
For instance...

On a On Drawing Event of the enemy actor you do:

If enemy.X value < -50 (out of sight)

That way it will pass all the screen, will not disappear and then you will kill it, avoiding performance issues.

I know the above code is not stencyl, but the logic is the same.

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  • Posts: 223
Yea, I get what you're saying and I completely forgotten about that behavior :P



  • Posts: 223

Fixed the issue where the enemies and bg light effect would be killed when either hits the other side of the screen.  Now they will continue on for a few more pixels before getting killed.

Also, added in Enemy Lv5.


  • Posts: 223
Updated!  Here's the link:  http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/22496

Added in a few new enemy types, and a couple new weapon upgrades.  The Points button ("S" key) now gives you 5000 points, instead of 1000.  I'm aiming to get this game out by the end of the month and onto the Chrome store for $1.


  • Posts: 223
Here are a few enemy types that I've done.  Most of them do animate :)


  • Posts: 279

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  • Posts: 223
Aaaaand here's the final boss (and yes, he does animate)


  • Posts: 178
I really like it. I also like the music, dat Bass... :3   I'd like to see it when it's improved.
I own Marcum Games