WIP - Space Dust - Shmup


  • Posts: 223
Thanks!  I hope to get this done by the end of this month :)


  • Posts: 8
I think you have something good going here. I don't have much to say about it, but I do have a minor suggestion. Have you considered displaying how many points the player has to get before they level up?

That's all, really.
"When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."
-"Conformity" poster, Despair, Inc.


  • Posts: 105
Very nice game overall. 9/10. I look forward to the release
Making games, one error at a time.


  • Posts: 223
Thank you both :)

Yea, I could do that, but I felt that if I don't show a cap, then the player's expectations of how far they can go (score wise) would feel unlimited/not constrained to a limited amount of power.


  • Posts: 8
Well, when you put it like that, I suppose that it would make sense to leave that out. Again, I don't have a lot to say, so good luck with your project.
"When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."
-"Conformity" poster, Despair, Inc.


  • Posts: 223
Updated version up now :)


  • Posts: 223
New updated version:

Added in HP (3 HP)
Hold down the Space Bar for continuing fire
Revamped the UI


  • Posts: 223
Say hello to Pilous, one of the bosses:


  • Posts: 279

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