Treasurebear! ( finally sort of! )


  • Posts: 71
Haha ok so its been a while but I've been working super hard with a team to try and make treasurebear a real thing!

We set up a Kickstarter for it here : and are looking for support. Even tweeting about it ( if you like it ) helps us a ton!

I'm still doing all the pixel art ( with some help on animations and work load ) so I'll be posting updates on new images here.

 ALSO Thank you for helping me so much in the beginning Stencyl! I'm still using it to prototype my ideas and build assets!   


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
That's a solid start to the campaign. Good luck!

(This is still being made in Stencyl, right?)


  • Posts: 71
Thanks Jon , and in a way it is. Like I said above Its a big help. I use it to build all the levels and its a great place to test all sprites and AI.

I'm working with a friend who's building the final in his own engine but there's still more I want to learn about stencyl before I attempt a final game of this scale haha. The game has essentially exploded in complexity and I need to focus on the art before I start juggling more responsibility.