The start - Developing the idea:
Let me first try to explain to you guys how I got the urge to create a new game.
I have to state that I am 36 years old and I did start playing games on an Atari 2600 system,
so, you do realize that I do have a quite wide background on games.
But enough on my background...
I was looking for a way to use my developer skills (java programmer since 2001) in
a way to earn money. Trying to think in an application idea for iPhone / ipad.
I think everyone has been there. AS it seems like a pot of gold.
But I couldn't think on anything new or groundbreaking. And that idea didnt go foward.
One day I had the idea to install Tiny Wings on my iPhone. A great game.
Playing it made me thought with myself: "Man, that's quite a simple game! But wonderfully done!".
And I did look for its earnings... 6.000.000 sellings on the first months.
UOAAAA!!! What a hit!
Then I did read an interview with its creator, who said a fantastic statement:
He did want to create something that was not violent. A game that was different from others.
He did want to translate his early dreams of flying into a game.
That was genius!!!
But still no idea for me.
I was obsessed with that:
A new idea. Something that was never done. Something new. O at least a mix of things that
will make my game something that can be called original.
One idea came to my mind. A fantasy platform game. Something that would resemble Castle of Illusion.
I know, doesn't seems that original / new. But trust me, my idea kind of was.
As I did start to develop, I started taking notes on everything. Created a Script Document that had
all ideas and "to-do" of that game.
Then... BAM... all changed. I did spend two weeks on that fantasy platform game to then start a new
one. The one I am working right now and almost launching a demo.
I kept all writings for the first one aside to work later on. And started developing the new one.
It will be a mix of game styles. A platform / stealth / puzzle game / action game.
And on all this time that I spent on those games I came up to realize a few important things on
this process (game idea):
1 - Keep a pen and a notebook always on hand. Write everything that comes to mind. Don't let an idea go away.
2 - Discuss the idea with a few friends. Even if they have nothing to do related with the game or development.
That kind of discussion may lead to some great ideas.
Specially when discussing with someone who know nothing about development. Let the creative
ideas flow!!
3 - Try to identify a script, stages, scenarios - beginning, middle and if possible ending of the story. Which means: develop the idea into a novel / script. A short one. Just kind of a summary.
That Script I do like to do on excel, as I can organize it better.
4 - Scratch some scenarios on a paper + pencil. Even if you don't know how to draw, its important for you to specify a scenario to work on.
That way your idea will start to create life, even if on your mind only at first.
5 - Research other successful games that resemble yours. Identify the engine, the behaviors existing on them.
Look for a game that have a similar art concept as you want yours to have.
Study them and imagine your creation using those styles.
Exercise your mind!
6 - Research some UNSUCCESSFUL games. Try to identify why they did failure. And what was the reason it did not bring any attention to
the gaming community.
A good source for that may be kickstarter. Look for games that did not receive the necessary
Understand the mistakes, so you may try to avoid them.
Those are the tips I came up for today.
I will soon start to describe the technical matters, issues, and developments.
Hope I can come up with issues solutions, ideas and so on.