Duplicated actor graphics bugged.


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  • Posts: 728
Sometimes I need actors that behave the same way but just look different, like different doors that are the same 32x32 size, but have different graphics.

Well, I noticed that the duplicated actor graphics get bugged sometimes, when I duplicate a door, then I replace the old frames by adding the new frames to the already existing animations and just removing the old frames afterwards, when I play the game the actor might still display the old frames instead of the new ones. This is usually fixed with just making new animations with the new frames, or opening the new frames in pencyl and resaving them.

Sometimes, especially when pressing control+r, stencyl might pop a error message that the graphics cannot be found, and all frames of the duplicate actor have disappeared somewhere.

I thought this was fixed long time ago but it still keeps popping up, could you look into this?


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  • Posts: 17524
Yeah, the duplication stuff really needs another look. Mike probably knows what's wrong (it's probably some munging around with the different scales) but has been on hiatus.

For now, you've found the workaround (don't use the duplicate feature).

Legendary Hoamaru

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  • Posts: 1088
I'll check it out tonight, gotta work my way back into the toolset although I shouldn't have forgotten much.  Have barely looked into all of the OpenFL stuff these past two months as well.


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  • Posts: 9473
Steps to reproduce:

1. Create an actor and add an image.
2. Duplicate that actor.
3. Open the duplicated actor and duplicate the animation.
4. Save and close the actor.
5. Open the actor again.
6. Save again.
7. Check the game's resource folder and you should now see that the 1.5x, 2x, and 4x images are broken.

Legendary Hoamaru

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  • Posts: 1088
Thanks rob, committed the fix but the nightly builds haven't updated yet.  Let me know if there are other variations of this bug lurking around.  I think this was the last issue though (copied animations didn't get new sprite parent ID).

You can test this on SVN version though, unless the checkin process has changed since I've been away.


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  • Posts: 17524
Bump - could we get confirmation of this fix? This is a pretty important one that was bugging many.


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  • Posts: 9473
It seems to be fixed, at least for the steps I listed.