I would have checked Stencyl every couple minuites all weekend if you didn't tell me.
Like you won't be doing that anyway
I still am
Just out of curiosity and to spur on a little discussion, we're curious to know what your 2 or 3 favorite entries are.
On the judging side, it's wrapping up and will be announced next week.
Endless dungeon
Mr. And Mrs Tart ( I don't know why, but it's just addicting )
Streets of Slender
I'm joking... The tower defense game is really good... That one would probably be on my list.
Other good games in my opinion...
Mine fall
Monster monkeys ( that one might make it on my list above the TD game)
Swinger was good
Greene wasn't too bad
Dungeon drop
Streets of Slender ( this time not as big of a joke )
I liked all the entries... It would just take to long to mention them all.
Ps. I haven't played eye copter yet. But it looks epic. So it might make it to my top 3?