There was a bit of division between the judges, but after playing and rating every game and engaging in some healthy debate amongst ourselves, these are the winners we ended up with.
We found Tiny Dangerous Dungeons to be a very solid game, especially for being made in such a timeframe. It very successfully pulls off the Gameboy feel, but don't be fooled, it still has plenty of unique charm and character of its own. The levels do a good job at feeling varied and interesting despite there only being a few different individual obstacles to work with. The overall layout of the world and "intended order" feels very well thought out. The graphics music are absolutely top-notch. This was clearly going to be a winner early on and stands as one of Adventure Islands' best games.
TwinBots features some well-done and satisfying puzzles. The balance between puzzles and platforming is pulled off nicely. The game does a good job at staying interesting and engaging.
Lumber John is incredibly charming. The level design is well thought out; there's rarely an unnecessary platform to be found. The differently themed worlds provide some nice diversity not often seen in a month-long competition game.
We're always excited to see what the community is capable of, and we thank everyone who participated. Whether or not you won, the important thing is that you made a game and hopefully took something away from it. Keep making games, keep pushing yourself further and never give up.