Ludum Dare 28 - You Only Get One - (Studio for the best Stencyl entry!)


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  • Posts: 17524
Ahh.... that is a very talented artist who works at the company that's affiliated with Haxe. I wasn't aware that he participated in the last LD too using Stencyl and placed pretty high (#50 out of 2,000 something?)


  • Posts: 2691
So when will the winner of the Studio subscription be announced?
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 17524
We're going to wait until early January since not many are around at this time.


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  • Posts: 6
Wow, didn't find out about the contest until just now.  Hope the game that I made for the 48hour compo can be included:,27569.0.html



  • Posts: 2691
Voting has a little over 48 hours left!

Everyone all set? Got at least 20 votes minimum?
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


  • Posts: 852
Does someone know how many entries were there in total ? I can't seem to get the information..


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  • Posts: 728
Does someone know how many entries were there in total ? I can't seem to get the information..

2046, you can see the total number when you click the View all games link next to the results.


  • Posts: 852
Wow, thanks! and i too Made it to the top 100 list!   :) :)