Ludum Dare 28 - You Only Get One - (Studio for the best Stencyl entry!)


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  • Posts: 721
I think it's Wordpress that handles those things, not the LD hosts. I have a suspicion it's a problem on your end, Warzone. Make sure you're on the correct email and everything.


  • Posts: 19
Im still a beginner but Ill be taking part in my 1st Ludum Dare if work allows, but it honestly shouldn't get in the way too much.

Max Finch

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  • Posts: 2174
I think I'll be doing a screencast from time to time just for the heck of it. The majority will just be art but if you'd like to stop by and say hi you always can. I might also just start screencasting more anyways so I'll start here. I'll set it up and post a link to watch soon.

That's my screencasting, be sure to check during LD if you want to ;)

« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 04:36:10 pm by Max Glockling Games »


  • Posts: 2691
An update on theme voting for those interested:

Fortunately, "Bieber 4 Evah <3" pretty much went down in flames... 8)

And here all the themes that are currently out of their initial round voting and sitting at 100 or more points. The bold ones are themes that have around 500+ ("You Only Get One" was just shy at 499):

  • Corruption
  • Creation
  • Duel
  • Night and Day
  • Falling
  • Illusion
  • You Only Get One
  • Break the System
  • Contamination
  • Chaos
  • Fortress
  • Death is Useful

What do you think?

"You Only Get One" is interesting, though I can't say anything super innovative has popped into my head for that yet. Personally, I like "Night and Day", and I think I could do something cool with that.

Not too sure I like "Death is Useful" that much at all. On top of that, it'd pretty much send McFunkyPant's "No Kill" challenge crashing down if it won.
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 721
Last LD the theme could have easily been predicted by looking at which of the leading themes had the most votes. At the time, I thought this made it too obvious so I didn't consider it, but some people got a head start in their idea crafting.

I don't know how reliable this is, but if things go the same way as last time then corruption has a good chance of being the theme. it doesn't seem like a particularly bad theme, but I get the feeling it got some votes out of simply sounding cool (I predict it will be the new trend in blockbuster subtitles).


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  • Posts: 17524
It's not unlike what happened on the Japanese version of Iron Chef. Unbeknownst to viewers, both chefs see a shortlist of possible ingredients beforehand, so they can formulate some ideas ahead of time and aren't completely caught offguard when the cover comes off.


  • Posts: 2691
Last LD the theme could have easily been predicted by looking at which of the leading themes had the most votes. At the time, I thought this made it too obvious so I didn't consider it, but some people got a head start in their idea crafting.

I don't know how reliable this is, but if things go the same way as last time then corruption has a good chance of being the theme. it doesn't seem like a particularly bad theme, but I get the feeling it got some votes out of simply sounding cool (I predict it will be the new trend in blockbuster subtitles).
Yeah, unfortunately the bold ones would appear to have a much higher chance for sure of winning, but it doesn't hurt to see what other ones are going to potentially be in the final round of voting. Who knows?

Also, corruption sounds kind of bland...
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
I made a new email address... And it's still won't give me my password !?... Does it not work with AOL?
Making Dubstep is my passion.  Following
Christ is my greater passion.

View my SoundCloud page here...


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Please take this up with the Ludum Dare team. Everyone here has been patient and helpful, but ultimately it's an external site and the only definitive answer will come from them.

I'm stepping my foot down because this topic should be about the contest, not about the troubles you've had with signing up. Thanks!


  • *
  • Posts: 1228
I'll be participating, probably. Last time I didn't finish cause I had a mini-breakdown (I'm really really awful with the idea of pressure and getting my stuff judged). I'm going to take it super relaxed and not push myself at all. I'll focus on being expressive and interesting over trying to do something ambitious.

Good luck to everyone else participating! :)


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  • Posts: 1228
And yeah that keynote was pretty much unwatchable, but oh well.


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  • Posts: 2891
He did an unofficial keynote last year that was better than the official one. This one was pretty bad though. Oh well.

This one's better.

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
Guys! I Finnally got it to work!!! I turns out they dont email AOL, so I used gmail! It worked fine! Sadly, i was only able to vote 1 round :'( ... But here's what I voted.

Break the system ( I'm rebeliousish  :P  )
Clones ( I have some good ideas )
Contamination(!!! This is what I want to win! I could do so much with this! This is exactly what I need)
Creation (I like games like that)
Death is useful  ( I have a couple ideas, this isn't my favorite choice though )
Falling( it's easy, but fun )
Night and day ( I could do some stuff with this! )

Chaos ( meh... Kinda bland )
Corruption (c'mon)
Duel ( sounds kinda hard to make in 48 hours )
End of universe (*sigh*... C'mon, were not 5)
Fortress ( not detailed enough )
Illusions ( I would need good art, but I'm not good at art )
You only get 1 ( huh? )

Connections( what does it mean by connections )
Four elements ( now they have me thinking of ponies  ::)  )
Genetics ( too hard )
No enemies ( what's the point!!! )
No violence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( what's a game without violence!!!)
Two colors ( I would need good art, and it's kinda bland and non-descriptive )

Okay! That's just how I voted in the finnal round! Can wait till its announced! good luck everybody!

« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 10:07:43 am by Warzone Gamez »
Making Dubstep is my passion.  Following
Christ is my greater passion.

View my SoundCloud page here...


  • Posts: 89
Supposing I join in do I need to declare Stencyl libraries are being used? How do you guys go about it?