Ludum Dare 28 - You Only Get One - (Studio for the best Stencyl entry!)


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  • Posts: 17524
For those wondering about the resolution to said scale in issue in 3.0 games published to the Arcade, it's now been fixed and confirmed by AdventureIslands.


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  • Posts: 9473
If you're submitting to Newgrounds you should add "ludumdare28" as one of your tags.


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  • Posts: 17524
And don't neglect to tag your game with "stencyl" also. Tom always likes a good Stencyl game and goes out of his way to find them and feature them on the front page.

Heck, right now, the front page is already featuring 4 Stencyl games, one not even in LD28.

- Shine (AdventureIslands)
- Superblade (folmer kelly)
- You Have One Box (rob1221)
- Boss101 (DarkTimmy)

« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 05:50:56 pm by Jon »


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  • Posts: 17524
Ludum Dare 28 is officially over, but we'll continue accepting entries and edits until midnight tonight - I can sort of tell some frantic uploading is going on, so no need to stress out over that.


  • Posts: 2691
Jon, could you please change my game icon to its actual image now (on the LD 28 games page)? That prototype image doesn't look very pretty. :P

« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 09:23:08 pm by Photon »
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 17524
Updated to make all Stencyl-hosted games use the thumbnail from the Arcade now (unless no icon was provided).


  • Posts: 2691
Thank you kindly.
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


  • Posts: 852
Instead of redirecting the last page of the game to facebook, i want to redirect it to my ludum dare page.. Is it okay if i make that change to the arcade build now ?


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  • Posts: 17524
I don't mind further small tweaks. Just be sure you're in compliance with what LD wants.


  • Posts: 219
Just out of random curiosity, this is judged in house correct? or is it based on the highest scoring game from ludum dare made with stencyl?


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  • Posts: 17524
It's in-house judging, and for this particular round, we'll exclude Master Stencylers from the running (they already knew about that up front).


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  • Posts: 728
Indie Statik's 28 Ludum Dare game picks featuring some Stencyl games like Fever Blue, Shine and SUPERBLADE:


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  • Posts: 351
I finally got through all of the Stencyl LD28 games. (Yes, I'm busy AND slow.)

Some of them were pretty great. But I have to admit that I was most entertained by the fun/difficulty/originalty of Underbyte by UnusualCadence. Plenty of other great ones in the list though!

Also, not sure if there's already a post on Stencyl-built games not posted here. As usual, AzureNimbus made another simple, puzzly beauty:
Unicycle Hero: iOS  |  Level With Me: iOS/Android  |  Hue Ball: iOS/Android  |  Lava Bird: iOS/Android   |   Disposabot   |   Twitter


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  • Posts: 17524
Let us know if any other Stencyl-built LD games went "unreported", so we can include them in the listing. Thanks!