You Are Disabled


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  • Posts: 2891
You Are Disabled
"what is this piece of shit? the guy don't have legs! is very slow and boring -_-"

Ludum Dare Entry

You Are Disabled is a platformer where your character is plagued with a random disability at birth, seen as inferior by humanity and discarded underground. Your character must cope with his/her disability and escape.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 08:22:59 pm by Irock »


  • Posts: 1938
Pretty unique idea, at first glance it was funny. I wonder where this will go.


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  • Posts: 2891
I'm honestly not happy with the way the game is turning out; the level design is rushed and in order to do every disability justice, I'd need a lot more time. I'm going to release it for the 72 hour jam anyway so my work doesn't go to waste. So yeah, expect it today.


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  • Posts: 728
I'm honestly not happy with the way the game is turning out; the level design is rushed and in order to do every disability justice, I'd need a lot more time. I'm going to release it for the 72 hour jam anyway so my work doesn't go to waste. So yeah, expect it today.

This is actually kind of similar what Shine was originally going to be. Originally I had named it Single Spell and in the beginning you could pick from three spells, Fire, Ice and Wind, and you would need to stick with your choice till the end.

I scrapped the idea, however for exactly for the reason that it would require lots and lots of designing and testing to make every skill justice, so I went with single spell instead and build the game around that.


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  • Posts: 2891
Yeah, I really need to start taking into consideration how short 48 hours really is.


  • Posts: 852
This game made me sad, which is a really good thing! Another great work Irock!


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  • Posts: 2891

I've heard that a couple of the disabilities are unfair (spastic) or not fun (crippled). This is intentional; real disabilities are neither fun nor fair. I figured that if I was going to do something almost objectively bad from a gameplay standpoint, a three day jam would be the the place to do it.

Although I must admit, I do enjoy playing crippled, and spastic amuses me.

Also, I put it on Newgrounds. It has medals if you're into that kind of stuff.


  • Posts: 852
That is the point.. its deliberately an anti-fun game presenting the harsh realities of real world through game mechanics, unfair but thought provoking

Will checkout the NG version!


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  • Posts: 494
That is the point.. its deliberately an anti-fun game presenting the harsh realities of real world through game mechanics, unfair but thought provoking

Will checkout the NG version!
Well, I'm one of the people that told him that I think it's a little bit unfair (spastic)- it is definitely a message, and I enjoyed playing as it, but I'm under the impression that games should never just randomly kill the player, or if it does, for there not to be levels where it's extremely likely the game will randomly kill the player. I'm good with the game being unfair, but never should there be a level that takes literally dozens of times to beat even if you play it perfectly. I 100% understand the message, but I think that what's better than making a game that just sends a message but makes winning based on luck is making a game that both sends a message but also makes winning a skill. The blindness disability is good, because it is dependent on skill- you have to find out where the blocks you can jump on are, then you do it. Blindness is good in a game like this, but although I understand and appreciate the message being sent with "crippled" and "spastic", I think that in a game the disabilities should be done in a way that relies on being able to cope with the disabilities, even if it's hard, like with the blindness. In the game, being crippled may send a message but there's no puzzles, there's no skill, it's just holding down the right button for a long time and talking to wizards. Being spastic, it requires skill and although in the beginning it's very easy by the end it's extremely hard (example: there's spikes on top of a place where the player stands and you have to be there for some seconds, then jump very softly on another block in the same altitude with spikes above, and the player almost always jumps strong instead of soft because he's spastic and jumps into the spikes. Even with the skill to beat the level, the player almost always jumps into the spikes automatically). Again, I understand the message, but levels should never be 100% dependent on luck.
This is just my opinion, and I understand that others will think that the message is the most important thing, but I think a mix of both is better.
Johnny Turbo's Surgery Frenzy

It's must be tough to balance the message behind the game and the ability to play and beat the game.
In a game like this, it seems like you kind of have to make it really hard and go for the message or make it easier and make it a fun and more enjoyable game.


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  • Posts: 2891
Banana, I understand your reasoning, but I disagree. But that's okay because it legitimately resonated with quite a few people in a variety of ways, and I couldn't be happier.


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  • Posts: 3127
I actually enjoyed playing with the spastic disability, it was hilarious. Haven't tried the others.
"Find the fun"


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  • Posts: 97
Very Charming and pretty hard! i played with limited vision, spastic and illiterate and each one are really hard to play. Sure, illiterate isnt that hard, but since you can go deeper you have the intense sensation that those signs hide something important xD Couldnt get past spikes with it.


  • Posts: 288
This brought me down to earth again.Touched me deeply because that someone close to me is disabled, Great game.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Audrey Hepburn