
  • *
  • Posts: 329
SUPERBLADE! A quick and tense ninja adventure. Walk the path of SUPERBLADE and cut down all those in your way, until they cut you down.

Arrow keys to move
X to hack at dudes.



  • Posts: 288
Amazing,I think a 2 player mode for the post compo version will add a lot to it.

Overall I had great fun and a lot of laughs.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Audrey Hepburn


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  • Posts: 97
Very nice! a bit hard sometimes xD

beware that the playable ninja stay always in front even when he should be behind the enemy, need to set layers for that


  • Posts: 49
Kill presentation. Fun and simple gameplay, awesome work.

Can be super difficult at times though. Overlapping with the enemy seemed to happen fairly often and wreck you when that happens.