Stencyl Book Problem


  • Posts: 18
p.84 last para. says "Currently, our monkey can run all the way to the edges of the scene...". That is not so for me. The pillars are solid.
Is this a mistake or did I miss something?
The best play is in making the game!


  • *
  • Posts: 1960
If you export your game as a .stencyl file and attach it to a message, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 18
The best play is in making the game!


  • *
  • Posts: 1960
It looks like the tileset that I uploaded for 2.2 had the collision shapes set for those tiles (my error). I have now corrected it and uploaded it to the forge.

If you want to follow the tutorials exactly, then you'll need to visit StencylForge and download the 2.2 tileset again. However, be aware that existing tiles in your scene will probably disappear, so you'll need to replace them in the scene designer. It should only take a few minutes to do.

Also, in the example file that you provided, you have used the incorrect tiles for the platforms. You have used the tiles in the first row that have earth showing under the grass. The tiles that you need are just grass, and appear in row 9.

Let me know how you get on.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 18
You have to download a tileset at the beginning of every game project, right? Cannot save it to your computer? Thanks
The best play is in making the game!


  • Posts: 18
That left me with a blank scene and animals and fruit floating in the air! And . . . NO tileset. Looks like I'm starting from scratch. All my hard work gone!
The best play is in making the game!


  • Posts: 18
I forgot too, I haven't figured out yet how to make the background green. You may have noticed?
The best play is in making the game!


  • *
  • Posts: 1960

That left me with a blank scene and animals and fruit floating in the air! And . . . NO tileset. Looks like I'm starting from scratch. All my hard work gone!

I did state in my message that all your tiles would probably disappear! It should only take you a few minutes to redraw them and it's good practise anyway! Also, you need to ensure that you use the correct tiles for the floating grass platforms, as mentioned in my earlier message.

I noticed that your background wasn't green; that means you missed a step when you first created the scene (Step 3 on page 36 of the book). However, it's very easy to fix...
  • Open up the scene in the scene designer.
  • In the grey buttons at the top of the scene designer, click 'Properties'.
  • The bottom section of the dialog box that appears is labelled 'Background Color'.
  • Click on the color bar and choose your colour.
  • Click OK.
With regards to using tilesets in future projects, you can export a tileset from any game, and then import it into any other game. To export:
  • Locate the tileset in the dashboard
  • Right click on the icon for the tileset that you want to export
  • Select 'Export'
The file that is exported is a png image file, and it contains all the information about the tileset, including the collision shapes.
To import:
  • On the Stencyl main menu, click 'File'
  • Select 'Import Resource...'
  • Select the png file to import
  • The resource will now appear in the dashboard
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.