Well, It's Been A Long Time!


  • Posts: 82
Welcome back, Cyclone. I think I vaguely remember you....


  • *
  • Posts: 487
You probably caught the tail end of when I showed up. I appeared on Stencyl in June 2008 thanks to a video by MasterOfHyrule, which got me curious in the first place about this site. Josh is the one that I would like to give a very special thanks to... developer of Swim and Mind Snap, and yet only Swim made it to some form of beta (not to mention pre-Flash)...
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


  • Posts: 31
wow, It's been a long time since I've seen you around on the internet...

Welcome back!  I don't even view GU anymore...  Not sure if you know but it's thegaminguniverse.org now... Rowan is owner..


  • Posts: 10
Yes, MOH, I know that.  I actually got e-mails from him recently and went back on a lark.  That's where I was reminded of this project, in an old 2007ish post.



  • Posts: 143
Welcome back!

I remember you vaguely, I saw you annually on the forums before beta.
Tatertom approves this message.


  • *
  • Posts: 2807
Welcome back!

I remember your avatar from the time when I lurked on the old forums, a loooong time ago.
My Stencyl resources are available here: https://luyren.itch.io/
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 46
I wasn't around these parts back in '08, so all I have to say is "Hello, pleased to meet you."


  • Posts: 10
LMAO, I just noticed that Jon or someone added my avatar. ;)
