LD28 Results


  • Posts: 2691
Judging is finished for LD 28!

Here is how "Batteries Not Included" fared:

Coolness 60%
#64 Fun(Jam) 3.56
#118 Theme(Jam) 3.28
#142 Overall(Jam) 3.39
#155 Innovation(Jam) 3.22
#219 Audio(Jam) 3.03
#233 Humor(Jam) 2.48
#266 Graphics(Jam) 3.22
#301 Mood(Jam) 2.81

Big success in my personal opinion. Scores look significantly better than my last entry did, and we (Max and I) even cracked the top 100 in Fun! WHOO! So... can it be topped next time? 8)

Again, big thanks to Max Glockling Games for the art, even amid his computing problems. It was a huge help!

« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 07:11:56 pm by Photon »
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Stencyl entries that I see in top 100 lists (let me know if I missed any):

6 -- Shine
74 -- Superblade
90 -- Ultimate Wish
90 -- Pete the Petard

16 -- Underbyte
28 -- Fever Blue
45 -- You Are Disabled
64 -- Doomba
95 -- 8bit Rebellion

Judging is finished for LD 28!

Here is how "Batteries Not Included" fared:

Coolness 60%
#64 Fun(Jam) 3.56
#118 Theme(Jam) 3.28
#142 Overall(Jam) 3.39
#155 Innovation(Jam) 3.22
#219 Audio(Jam) 3.03
#233 Humor(Jam) 2.48
#266 Graphics(Jam) 3.22
#301 Mood(Jam) 2.81

Big success in my personal opinion. Scores look significantly better than my last entry did, and we (Max and I) even cracked the top 100 in Fun! WHOO! So... can it be topped next time? 8)

Again, big thanks to Max Glockling Games for the art, even amid his computing problems. It was a huge help!

Congrats on Expert Stencyler by the way.

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
I did pretty bad ::) . It was my first LD, so I didn't know what I really needed to do. My project ended up sloppy and uncompleted. I got lower rating than I thought I would get, and I already set my hopes low. But overall, I'm happy with the experience. Good job guys on you LD games. I was amazed with the quality of many of the games. And congrats Adventure Island for placing top 10!
You all did amazing, all the entries were very enjoyable and fun :D . Even though I failed, I still came out a winner because I learned hat a good game really needs. I learned a lot during this compo, and I'm glad I entered even if I failed :)
Here's my stats
Making Dubstep is my passion.  Following
Christ is my greater passion.

View my SoundCloud page here... https://soundcloud.com/noobstep-544260267


  • *
  • Posts: 728
Shine did much better than I expected:

#6   Overall   4.15
#21   Audio   3.82
#21   Graphics   4.33
#36   Innovation   3.95
#36   Fun   3.80
#46   Mood   3.78
#58   Theme   3.79
#409   Humor   2.45

It's probably my most polished entry yet, there wasn't a single bug I am aware of I had to fix for post-compo. It wouldn't have turned out so well as it did if I did not have my friends playtest the thing and give feedback what to improve.


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  • Posts: 508
My result for 8bit Rebellion!

#95   Overall(Jam)   3.54
#10   Innovation(Jam)   3.97
#27   Humor(Jam)   3.79
#83   Audio(Jam)   3.51
#86   Fun(Jam)   3.43
#106   Mood(Jam)   3.45
#161   Graphics(Jam)   3.67
#188   Theme(Jam)   3.05

Not bad, counting that this is my first LD! :)
Congrats to all!
My Website: www.havana24.net


  • *
  • Posts: 329
SUPERBLADE did p ok! Though I went on vacation the day after LD and ended up not having any internet access throughout the rating period so I feel super bad about that.

#74   Overall   3.73
#26   Graphics   4.31
#33   Audio   3.72
#86   Fun   3.59
#118   Mood   3.46
#161   Innovation   3.48
#260   Humor   2.89
#604   Theme   2.67

Also, shoutout to Shine for showing up everywhere, was really fun to see Stencyl-heavy articles pop up everywhere on the strength of that.