In fact, most people do not have their own taste, they always likes what other likes or well known brands.
It is everywhere in Art
another example
pictures of Picasso....
I draw pictures like this when was 5 years old, but my pictures not so popular and not cost millions. why?
some art experts can spend hours to tell how amazing and well done some picture of Picasso, but, if it was my picture with the same content and quality, the same expert probably will tell that the picture is sh....t. it is not fair, but it is reality...
Angry Birds - good game of cause, but far not the best game ever. it's just a well promoted mix of good conceptions that was before with cute art.
I know, our group can't be so powerful as Chillingo, but it will help a little to stencilers.
I understand that this is not right to rate with 5 bad games, but I also don't know how objective judge the games of the group members.
And I don't think that another stencyl forum is needed.
So what to do?
Smaller evil will be to give 4 stars for weak game of young gamedeveloper.
Than, when group will grow, we can have good experts and moderators who will control the quality.
From start member of the group got to have stencyl subscription. If he have a subscription, propably he seriously making games
But main idea is to support each other.
I know, those, who have millions of downloads don't need this kind of support.
But started developers very need.
Anyway, good rating from start, will just help to reach wider audience, than, this wide audience will judge the game very objective...
Group goal - to show the game to people, because as we all know, bigger problem in the main stores now, that new games there just lost in the millions of other apps.