How to make something like in this video?

Hi. I'm new to Stencyl, so please respect my stupidity. Just so you know, I did check Stencylpedia, but nothing there was helpful.

I was going to ask you how to create either actors or tiles in specific areas, don't let them be created in other places, and more, but I was too lazy to type more in and it would be WAY too much to ask. I just want to know how I can make a game similar to this game as seen in this YouTube video (the gameplay of my game will be similar, only clicking will create a wall generator instead of having the player to BE the wall generator and freeze in place when a wall is being constructed).


  • Posts: 56
Yes you can though it might have to be abit simpler animations wise, though the goals and interface of the game with a bit of work can be built
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Yes you can though it might have to be abit simpler animations wise, though the goals and interface of the game with a bit of work can be built
Um, I asked HOW to create something like this, not IF it can be done.


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
Ok how to make a game like that,

How far have you got, which part are you stuck on?

Ok how to make a game like that,

How far have you got, which part are you stuck on?
I have only gotten to the part where I have created the first, most basic enemy. I also got it to be destroyed, but the way to build walls have not been made yet (which means the enemy isn't able to be destroyed legitimately). I think it will be simple once I know how to create 2 wall generators at a time, how to make them fill in quota, how to get the enemies to be destroyed like in the video, and how to not allow wall generators to be created outside the level boundaries.


  • Posts: 56
You can use the collision statement saying
if wall collides with enemy 
Kill enemy
Set score to score plus x (if you have a scouting game attribute)

Btw x can be any number

Also to create a wall use the updated statement saying
If mouse is clicked
Create wall at x and y of mouse
Move actor x and y of mouse plus x

« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 01:53:42 pm by JohnGuySmith »
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  • Posts: 56
When I said x and y together I meant the axis on the screen
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You can use the collision statement saying
if wall collides with enemy 
Kill enemy
Set score to score plus x (if you have a scouting game attribute)

Btw x can be any number

Also to create a wall use the updated statement saying
If mouse is clicked
Create wall at x and y of mouse
Move actor x and y of mouse plus x
I didn't really get enough (reasonable) information.

1. When the wall is being built, how do you make it look like a rather slow laser beam being shot?

2. After it has been built, how do you have the smaller half of the quota be filled in?

3. When an enemy touches a wall that's still being created, how do you make an enemy shoot a particle which rides the wall? Also make it so when the wall has been built, kill the particle so the player doesn't get hurt?

4. How do you prevent a wall generator from being made outside the level boundaries (aka the box)?

5. (This might be the easiest to answer) How do you restrict the game into having a maximum of 2 wall generators at a time?

(I still have many more questions, but I wanted to take it easy with the questions.)


  • Posts: 56
Answers to questions
1. You could do this though animations and maybe moving your actor...see some of sample projects that come with stencyl for ideas (a few of them use parts of this concept)
2. Depending on the way you have built your app you could either do it thorough the changing of animations or  through creating characters

...I strongly suggest you complete a few sample protects using youtube...that really helped me understand how to use blocks, actors, attributes, behaviours, ect. I personally found doing this was a great learning curve.

If you would like me to answer the rest of your questions or you have more questions please respond to this forum or send me a private message and Ill be happy to answer them.
Zed20 Studios...Check out our apps in the App Store!

Answers to questions
1. You could do this though animations and maybe moving your actor...see some of sample projects that come with stencyl for ideas (a few of them use parts of this concept)
2. Depending on the way you have built your app you could either do it thorough the changing of animations or  through creating characters

...I strongly suggest you complete a few sample protects using youtube...that really helped me understand how to use blocks, actors, attributes, behaviours, ect. I personally found doing this was a great learning curve.

If you would like me to answer the rest of your questions or you have more questions please respond to this forum or send me a private message and Ill be happy to answer them.
Unfortunately, nothing seems to be helpful. My game is VERY complicated due to how actors are supposed to be created (for instance, the little 16x16 square actors that get created from the smaller half of the level when a wall gets built). I need to somehow make my player's x and y coordinate equal to the closest tile (especially ones that are don't have a collision), and create either actors or tiles with a collision at another tile's position. (I hope I didn't sound like I was mad or something...)


  • Posts: 56
Could you send me the stencyl file of your app so I can see what you have done (code block wise)
Zed20 Studios...Check out our apps in the App Store!

Can you tell me how to? I'm not really familiar with any of this.


  • Posts: 56
Go to:
 file>export game
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I actually did that before I asked, but afterwards, things didn't look right to me. I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong, or if that was supposed to happen. Anyway, here it is.