Simple Lockbox Puzzle (Tech Demo)


  • Posts: 194
Yeah, you are younger than I thought! haha
I had fallen into a rut with my personal art a few years ago, and thought about trying digital.  It worked and I jumped into the freelance game after a while.

But yeah, the amount of things I had going on in the original code would have been crazy if I had a puzzle with, say, 10 tiles.  It was the best I could do at the time with my limited knowledge.

Regarding the mystery behaviors, this single puzzle was part of a larger game I was working on, an overhead adventure in which you had to solve a mystery and go on small fetch quests.  I thought I had cleared out all the stuff that wasn't relevant to the puzzle room, but I guess I missed a few little things.


  • Posts: 713
That reminds me a bit of the fact that although I haven't focused on the variety of art in a while, I'm actually surprisingly good with the variety of art I make in my Studio Art class.  I constantly shock people with how good my stuff is, especially when I work with colored pencils.  Sometimes I think that I should just Photoshop things that I do on paper instead of actually making things entirely on the computer :-\ .  I've done that before, and I've worked with Photoshop-like programs for longer than I've worked with Illustrator (actually, I was reminded exactly how early it was because my Scratch account has that one project...I think its name was "Just something I drew", and it was a face I did in PhotoImpact.  Although the actual shape and stuff is somewhat mediocre at best, it shows how well I could do shadings even then).

10*10=100...Yes, definitely, I couldn't imagine doing that much repetitious work...

I'll probably just remove the extra behaviors from the game, because it might save space and speed up compiling.  But this probably explains that adorable little boy being the game logo :D .


  • Posts: 194
Yeah, the world of art really opened up when I learned to work digitally, and opened up yet AGAIN when I got a scanner and learned to manipulate and build off of my traditional pencil and paper art.  Possibilities were endless.  From there I discovered Flash and taught myself how to animate...I'm not a master of the craft, but it has served me well.  Keep up the work on your art though, there's no telling where you'll go if you are a hard-hitter with visuals and programming! 

Hehe, that poor gray little boy!  I bit off more than I could chew with that project and had to abandon it...but I may return to it at some point and do it right.


  • *
  • Posts: 494
Just because, I'll mention that the missing string issue happens often, and, at least for me, always is when I put a game from 2.2 to 3.0 (or NME to OpenFL I think). You have to put Run>Clean Project or just run the project again and again until it runs out of missing strings.
Johnny Turbo's Surgery Frenzy


  • Posts: 194
Just because, I'll mention that the missing string issue happens often, and, at least for me, always is when I put a game from 2.2 to 3.0 (or NME to OpenFL I think). You have to put Run>Clean Project or just run the project again and again until it runs out of missing strings.

Thanks!  I'll keep that in mind for the future, since I've yet to upgrade my projects to 3.0.


  • Posts: 713
Just because, I'll mention that the missing string issue happens often, and, at least for me, always is when I put a game from 2.2 to 3.0 (or NME to OpenFL I think). You have to put Run>Clean Project or just run the project again and again until it runs out of missing strings.

I might not have upgraded this computer to 2.2, actually, so that may be causing issues.  I didn't think that 2.whatever you download was too different from 2.2...

It's pretty strange to see someone else in this topic, though... ;D

Anyways, I should probably really learn how to animate at some point...  Because currently, I don't have any program that is good for animation (well, there's Anime Studio, except I tried that once and didn't figure it seems to only be useful with bodies and such).  Currently, the process I go through to animate something is: Copy, Paste, Slightly Edit, Repeat.

It's pretty strange that you didn't get a scanner until AFTER you began to work digitally.  I've had a scanner in my house for ages.


  • Posts: 194
I started animating without a tablet on an old free program called Easytoon, and boy was that tedious...this was before I found out about Flash, anyway.  Lots of copy/pasting, nudging pixels, etc.  Haha we used to have a scanner, but something happened and it broke, and I just never used it enough back then to care about replacing it.

Apologies to thegenericbanana, who has stumbled into our public PM session.


  • Posts: 713
I might try Synfig, which is free.  It seems to be powerful, as well.

Apologies to thegenericbanana, who has stumbled into our public PM session.

As opposed to our actual PM's, although sometimes I can't remember if I said something in a PM or in this topic. ;D