A maze game


  • Posts: 1
If anyone is reading this, i have a school project that requires me to make a maze game. I would really appreciate it if someone helped me! :D


  • Posts: 2068
I like to help people, but I don't like doing all the work ;)

What if you start learning stencyl and then ask questions for help? =)
My new profile is TheIndieStation.
When you see a recent post with this name, i'm probably using my phone. So dont mind any typo's =p


  • Posts: 56
Overall it is quite easy...I suggest you learn the basic blocks and figure out how collision boundaries work, and controls for your game.

If you come into any troubles you should probably start by checking our stencylpedia, its quite helpful for beginners!
Zed20 Studios...Check out our apps in the App Store!