Misleading Description


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  • Posts: 721
I thought it would be unnecessary to bother pointing this out, but I've been informed otherwise.

The description of the Top-down shooter kit says:  "A simple template for a top-down shooter game such as Contra", and Contra isn't a top-down shooter, it's a sidescrolling shooter.

Also whenever I try and download a resource off of Forge I receive the message: "Could not download this Resource- The connection was aborted, or the resource was not fully uploaded to our server". This may be because I'm not using the most current preview build of b368, I can update in a while and check if this problem still occurs.

-Problem resolved after updating.

~ Blob

« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 09:39:39 pm by Blob »


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  • Posts: 17524
Hmm, I don't know why I would have thought that, although Contra does have some top-down shooter areas in the third installment now that I think of it.

What game would you consider to be a definitive top-down, non-space shooter title?


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  • Posts: 721
I truthfully can't name any widely known Top-down shooters that aren't shoot-'em-ups. I've only played one on my friend's SNES when I was little, and I never got its name. Searching online is only giving me obscure titles and shmups.

If anything comes to mind I'll let you know.

~ Blob


  • Posts: 1243
I think Jurassic Park for NES is top-down shooter.

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  • Posts: 1259
The most classic NES top down shooter games that I can think of are Commando and Ikari Warriors.  I think the genre really got more popular in later generations, and especially once all the zombie (survival) games came out for PC, making use of the mouse. 


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  • Posts: 4643
I'd recommend "Smash TV" as the reference.
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  • Posts: 17524


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  • Posts: 610
Smash TV is the arena shooter (top-down shooter, whatever) that I remember most besides those early NES games such as Commando.