I would like to share some thoughts on
performance as i am trying out a lot of different things.
Space Pirate started out as a pure Flashgame but i want to release it as PC/MAC download.
I had a similar experience as Pete with
Ghost Song. The game was started using Stencyl 2.2 and i ran pretty fast into performance issues. Porting the game to Stencyl 3.1 was a bit of a nightmare but i got a huge performance increase. The performance kept decreasing though the more and more features i added when compiling Flash. I didnt encounter performance issues when exporting an PC exe file.
Still i was wondering what the main reason for the performance problems in the flash version was (and this might be interesting for you).
What did help:
Removing regions95% of my features worked with regions. Examples: touching terminals, enemy behaviours, rewards.
I removed nearly all regions. Instead i increased the actors and added a invisible "player detection" collsion shape around the actor. I got a huge increase in performance. Beside that, i noticed that multiple regions which are on top of another have a huge negative impact on perfromance.
Using every x seconds instead of always when possibleThis had a much smaller impact but still it helped. Not as much as the regions though.
Number of tiles of a scene?Not sure about this. Its more about the code you are using in a scene. I created very big simple scenes and they worked pretty well.
Maybe this is just valid for Space Pirate; i dont know