GoldSpace (Working title: Space Pirate)


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  • Posts: 1401
Work in progress...see below the update screen working.
I decided to keep the access simple.

You just have to step next to the rescued crew member.
The purchased update increases the laser shot damager from 1 to 2:


  • Posts: 371
I have really enjoyed reading about this game and playing the demo.  Super cool!  My hat is off to you.  Please finish this to completion!  Could you elaborate more on how you make the actors a 'sensor' instead of using regions instead if at all possible?  You mentioned several collision sizes for the same actor and I was curious how that works. :)


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  • Posts: 1401
Thanks a lot for the motivation boost!
I will finish it for sure.

There is not so much to show right now because i am working a lot on the update system which is scripting and testing.
No fancy visuals but its so much more fun!

Regarding the collision:

You simply add another collision (pressing one of the buttons). I use one as a sensor (1) to detect the player and then another one (2) where the player cant walk through and where the projectiles will hit.

Let me know if you have more questions.


  • Posts: 371
Awesome!  Thanks for replying.  For some reason I thought each actor could only have one collision… this opens up the door for lots of possibilities.  I'm liking the upgraded guns, on the purple one the last two upgrades are hard to tell a difference between them (just some darker purple on the bottom of the last one).  Not sure if that was your intention but thought I'd thrown in my two cents.  Keep it up!


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  • Posts: 1401
Awesome!  Thanks for replying.  For some reason I thought each actor could only have one collision… this opens up the door for lots of possibilities.  I'm liking the upgraded guns, on the purple one the last two upgrades are hard to tell a difference between them (just some darker purple on the bottom of the last one).  Not sure if that was your intention but thought I'd thrown in my two cents.  Keep it up!
True that! I will make it more different.

I added/optimized the save/load system:
  • It saves the game attributes and starmap progression every time you reach a new encounter
  • You can load that state after dying
Updated the available demo version as well. There is a small "hickup" when the game saves (flash version). Not sure if thats avoidable.


Working on the different starting situation in case you die and want to start over or just have another playthrough with a different story/character.
I also want to add another crew member who focuses on updates for your ship.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 01:38:19 am by Bombini »


  • Posts: 371
Sweet!  I'll have to play the demo again but might have noticed the music not looping seamlessly.  Btw the music sounds really good and the looping thing is just a technicality.  Very neat about the save/load system.  My coding skills are nowhere near that yet!


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  • Posts: 1401
Sweet!  I'll have to play the demo again but might have noticed the music not looping seamlessly.  Btw the music sounds really good and the looping thing is just a technicality.  Very neat about the save/load system.  My coding skills are nowhere near that yet!

Seamlessly looping is on the list of todo's.
Also...i only produced 3 tracks. Need to make more but this is not super important.



  • Posts: 371
Not sure if you know how, but if you need to make seamlessly looping music you have to basically cut off the reverb tail of the end of your song (stereo file) and paste it in the beginning of your song (also stereo file).  Hope that helps.  Please ask if you need me to explain further. :)


  • Posts: 47
Awsome game! Congratz!! I have many doubts about how you did somethings in your game! can I send you a private message to ask you some questions?


  • Posts: 371
Another question is how did you code it so the fire spreads?  Is that something in the Tile API or not?  Thanks.


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  • Posts: 1401
Not sure if you know how, but if you need to make seamlessly looping music you have to basically cut off the reverb tail of the end of your song (stereo file) and paste it in the beginning of your song (also stereo file).  Hope that helps.  Please ask if you need me to explain further. :)

Thanks MadManAdam! I know how it works but i will focus on it once i have more important features done.

Awsome game! Congratz!! I have many doubts about how you did somethings in your game! can I send you a private message to ask you some questions?

Thanks a lot!
Feel free to send me a message. I would prefer to discuss general questions regarding the game here though (so others can learn).

Awsome game! Congratz!! I have many doubts about how you did somethings in your game! can I send you a private message to ask you some questions?

I basically use 3 elements: Fire, Anything which should burn (furniture), Burned tile

How it works:
  • Furniture is checking if there is fire in any direction
  • The checking furniture will turn orange and start burning (fire is an own actor) after x seconds if there is a fire on an adjacent tile
  • The burning furniture will be killed after x seconds creating another passive actor (burned tile) to get rid of code and stuff


  • Posts: 47
Oh thanks! so I will post here!

in your game, when the player hacking, or when a store is open, how did you fade the game and put a image/animation/dialog or text or anything above the game? I don't know if I was clear in my question lol



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  • Posts: 1401
Oh thanks! so I will post here!

in your game, when the player hacking, or when a store is open, how did you fade the game and put a image/animation/dialog or text or anything above the game? I don't know if I was clear in my question lol


Not sure if i understand. I guess the question is about how the hacking works.
I use a counter. It adds +1 if the player touches the console. It always substracts 0.5 if above 0.
This is the part where the bar grows. I simple use the counter value to let the bar grow.

The action i want (open door, heal, hack, whatever) triggers when a certain value is reached (lets say 80).
That is pretty much it.

Hope that helps!


  • Posts: 47
nice!! but its not what I ask yet lol... sorry about my english, im Brazilian.

thats part of the bar grows was very usefull too, but what I want is about how you show a window (like the shop) over everything. not only the window shop, but the hacking bar, text, images and whatever you want too. thanks


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  • Posts: 1401
nice!! but its not what I ask yet lol... sorry about my english, im Brazilian.

thats part of the bar grows was very usefull too, but what I want is about how you show a window (like the shop) over everything. not only the window shop, but the hacking bar, text, images and whatever you want too. thanks

...ah ok. I create an actor on top of everything which is just 1 pixel wide and high (basically empty).
All elements which should be on top are created within this actor in the order i want.