Hi TwistedIdentity,
Thanks for the feedback.
I have it working, but you need to change the code on different parts of the code.
I would need to catch up on all the nightly builts to create extensions for each of the builts that changes the stuff I'm using.
And since the 3.1 version will be heavy on the graphics stuff that means propably a change every few weeks.
So I won't be making specific nighty-build versions. But I will point out what changed and how to fix it yourself.
1. BitmapAnimation ( Used frequently in GUI.hx)
After the number of frames there are two fields for frames-across and frames down.
In GUI we need 1,1 so one frame across, one frame down. On the line you mention there is a 1, add 1,1 so it reads 1,1,1 and you are fine. There are lots of different places in the GUI.hx where you have to do the same.
2. Animation
In Animation there is a frame count between durations and framesAcross
Before the Animation line add this:
And put that between like this:
durations, framecount, framesAcross
Hope that helps.
Best regards from