Testing game on Android device


  • Posts: 3
I've been trying like crazy to test run games on my android phone. But for some reason I cant see "Android" on the platform dropdown list. I have activated USB debbugging on my phone and i have JDK version 6. Some say that you need the mobile license but here "http://www.stencyl.com/stencyl/pricing/" its pretty clear that you should be able to do it on the free version as well. So... Can i?


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  • Posts: 17524
We updated Stencylpedia ahead of 3.0's release - you need 3.0 to test on Android.

The site is technically incorrect and jumped the gun in that respect, but it's a moot point since the whole site will be gutted and relaunched in the next week or so.


  • Posts: 3
Thanks for a quick response! So, when will version 3 be available for free users?


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  • Posts: 17524
Don't want to use a topic to put out a release date, but it's coming very soon.


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  • Posts: 17524
Got a quick question for you - just in the past couple days, we've been hit by a string of users who all have tried to run on Android using Stencyl 2.0.  May I ask how you found out about us?


  • Posts: 3
I was just googling for ways to make Android games. I have a theory thai its because of The success of flappy wings for Android! Many People, includeing me, hope to get a lucky shot.