Space Dust - Needs Polishing


  • Posts: 223
A couple of days ago I tried to publish Space Dust on Desura (a side scoller (i.e. R-Type, Gradius)) and I received a response back stating:

"Hey there I do not think your game is suitable for release on Desura, we get a lot of "side scrollers" and to be honest your game is not all that polished."

To be honest, there are a couple of things that do need to be fixed and I just recently fixed them, after getting this email.  But I still feel that it would be best to get a second opinion or perhaps even better, another dev to take a look/help out.  The game file size is about 28mb, so there's no way to put it up on Stencyl Arcade.  What I'm willing to do, however, is share the file with someone via email/Google Drive instead. 

What do you get out of this?  Name credited in the game and 5% share in revenue.  But I will only share with those who have already published quality projects.

Here are some screenshots.


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
It looks like a weird mix of art styles (especially Preview 10) and would probably look better with a consistent style.


  • Posts: 223
I do agree.  I'm not much of an artist and it's difficult for me to keep the same art style (from time to time).

EDIT:  Right you are.  I'll change that ship design around.


  • Posts: 223
Speaking of art, is there anyone willing to help out?  The coding is complete, all that I need is change with a few enemies and bosses.


  • Posts: 194
Also a good idea to clean up the edges of your .png images.  Most notably around the edge of your player ship, just lots of jagged white standing out against the dark background. 

Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and any other program that allows you to work on layers will make this impossibly easy if you set it up right.


  • Posts: 223
Yea, I do need to do that...  However, I've found someone to do the artwork :D


  • Posts: 194
Hahaha, well that's one way to handle it!  Good luck with your project.


  • Posts: 223

To be honest, I haven't seen any art from this guy, so I'm *hoping* that it'll be better than mine ^^;