Yesterday I found great tracker, absolutely by accident. It is great mix between classic tracker, Jeskola Buzz and eJay-likesoftware (which you can see even by looking at screenshots). The best thing about it is that is available for free for Windows, Mac and Linux - iPhone/iPad version is paid one, but even I as declared pirate know that it is worth to buy it (and there is very limited amount of software I can say that about. To that moment these was mostly Zylom games and of course Stencyl (that I wouldn't have money for it if it would be paid doesn't mean I don't think it isn't worth the price), so it's mean something

).The best proof of greatness of this software is that even such music-making invalid like me literally in few minutes made good sounding, maybe not song, because it's to short, but jingle without even looking to documentation or tutorials: Think what can accomplish someone really gifted at music making like KungFuFurby, for example!
My jingle's SunVox project file: most important - link to SunVox website: