SunVox - interesting tracker from Russia


  • Posts: 1243
Yesterday I found great tracker, absolutely by accident. It is great mix between classic tracker, Jeskola Buzz and eJay-likesoftware (which you can see even by looking at screenshots). The best thing about it is that is available for free for Windows, Mac and Linux - iPhone/iPad version is paid one, but even I as declared pirate know that it is worth to buy it (and there is very limited amount of software I can say that about. To that moment these was mostly Zylom games and of course Stencyl (that I wouldn't have money for it if it would be paid doesn't mean I don't think it isn't worth the price), so it's mean something :) ).The best proof of greatness of this software is that even such music-making invalid like me literally in few minutes made good sounding, maybe not song, because it's to short, but jingle without even looking to documentation or tutorials: Think what can accomplish someone really gifted at music making like KungFuFurby, for example!

My jingle's SunVox project file:

And most important - link to SunVox website:

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • *
  • Posts: 487
Sorry, SunVox is a no-go on my end. That looks like it requires an Intel Mac.
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


  • Posts: 82
Mrhm, looks interesting. I'll give this a go for Crazy Golf and see how it goes before looking for a composing slave.


  • Posts: 1243
KFF, I may ask Zolotov if he'll be able to recompile it for G5.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • *
  • Posts: 487
That would be nice. ^_^
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games