Stencyl 3.0 is now out!


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  • Posts: 17524
Stencyl 3.0 is now out!

With Stencyl 3.0, we've brought Stencyl to iOS, Android, Flash, Windows, Mac & Linux, unified under a single engine and language.

See the Official Announcement

Important Links

Get It Now
What's New?
Release History

Found a bug?
Want to ask a question?


Where did the sample games go?
Download the new ones.

None of the sample games work (from 2.0 or before)
We've unbundled the games. Download the new ones.

Anything I should be aware of before I begin?
Back up your games before opening them in 3.0. Do not open a 3.0 game in 2.0 - you may experience data loss.

My games don't run in 3.0.
See this to learn how to convert them over. Due to technology changes, it wasn't possible to make all games automatically work in 3.0.

Games show "Compiling" forever
See this.

Major Known Issues
 - On a Mac? Stick Stencyl into a path with no spaces or () in the folder names. Avoid project names with spaces and ().
- Desktop and Mobile take a long time to run the first time. It becomes fast thereafter.
- Android sound playback can be delayed on a Galaxy S4 but not on other devices. (FIXED IN 3.1)

Minimum Requirements?
- For Mac, 10.8 and above is required regardless of what you are publishing to.
- For Windows, we strongly recommend Windows 7 and above.


Please do not use this topic to ask for help. Use our Questions forum instead.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 11:10:58 pm by Jon »


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  • Posts: 17524


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  • Posts: 718
Stencyl 3.0 is great! I'm glad you guys took the hard road. It looks like Haxe and OpenFL solved a lot of problems with the software.
Michael Garofalo – Author of The Interactive Stencyl Textbook 8)

Congrats again on the release!

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
Good job on the release! The update is amazing and the new website is incredible! It was worth the wait. Thankyou for doing this for us.
Making Dubstep is my passion.  Following
Christ is my greater passion.

View my SoundCloud page here...


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  • Posts: 3
Congratulations on the Release!
I look forward to getting back into Stencyl - Hopefully learn it properly this time!


  • Posts: 710
Well done and thank you Jon and all the other guys who have helped get this product out the door!!

Well done and thank you Jon and all the other guys who have helped get this product out the door!!
Haven't seen you in a while. :)


  • Posts: 235
2 and a half years in the making, and I would say the wait was well worth it. Stencyl 3.0 Baby! :D
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 19
I am having big problems with my game after installing Stencyl 3.0. However I backed up my game before opening Stencyl 3.0. Do you recomend uninstalling 3.0 and going back to 2.2 or is there another way to solve this?


  • Posts: 121
I'm so happy to try this out!
Visit Power Spark to play more of my games.

I am having big problems with my game after installing Stencyl 3.0. However I backed up my game before opening Stencyl 3.0. Do you recomend uninstalling 3.0 and going back to 2.2 or is there another way to solve this?

You shouldn't need to. What's the error?


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  • Posts: 9473
If you have a problem/bug, make a new thread for it rather than posting here.


  • Posts: 21


  • Posts: 107
Hey! Just noticed 3.0 is released! Congratulations! Exclamation marks!