Newgrounds leaderboard is off-screen


  • Posts: 747
First idea: the leaderboard is referring to the off-screen 0.0 coordinates of the scene? I am sure you have tried to set the place the camera top left to display the leaderboard?
Sure, my games won't get better with all the new features of Stencyl.
But I do have more fun creating bad ones.

MayazCastle Keeper


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  • Posts: 2891
Nope. Scene is the exact size of the game.


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  • Posts: 2891
Does anyone have any ideas? I'd like to get the Newgrounds version up with high-scores. It seems like something that should be really easy.


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  • Posts: 17524
I'm curious - and this is probably directed at AdventureIslands in particular - did you hit this issue when you published Shine, Duke Dashington or whatever else you've made in 3.0?

@Cory/Dripple - Our logic for positioning the leaderboard is this. Doesn't look amiss to me. Is there any chance this is one of those 2x scale games maybe?

Code: [Select]
scoreBrowser.x = Engine.screenWidth/2*Engine.SCALE - scoreBrowser.width/2;
scoreBrowser.y = Engine.screenHeight/2*Engine.SCALE - scoreBrowser.height/2;


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  • Posts: 9473
The scoreboard code might have to be changed to multiply by the scaleX/scaleY as well as the engine scale.


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  • Posts: 2891
If you know how to do that so I can change it locally (assuming I can), that would be great.


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  • Posts: 9473
The code is in Script.hx.  I'm guessing the code should look like this:
Code: [Select]
scoreBrowser.x = Engine.screenWidth/2*Engine.SCALE*Engine.screenScaleX - scoreBrowser.width/2;
scoreBrowser.y = Engine.screenHeight/2*Engine.SCALE*Engine.screenScaleY - scoreBrowser.height/2;


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  • Posts: 2891
Worked like a charm. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 9473
I commited the change, so it's fixed for everyone else too.