Hey guys!
I'm from Denmark, and a friend and I are doing an assignment in a class called Innovation, where we should make a game. We didn't want to make a classic board game, so we decided to create a computer game, without knowing anything about codes. So we found this site, and i think we have come very far with our, since it's a very VERY simple game.
Basicly you just run through a level, and jump down a pipe as you answer a question (we added text in the bottom with the question, and in the top corners the answers so you jump in the right pipe and dont die
Our problem is though, we can only do 1 level, and after we finish it, we dont go through to the next level. We don't know how to bind them together, and most instruction vidoes on youtube is german. Please respond.
*I've attatched a photo of how our first level looks like, so you can get the idea of how simple it is (our charactor is Micheal porter, who is a famous Innovation guy
) and we have the sketch for the next level, we just dont know how to bind them.