Command to speed up x speed on background images within code??


  • Posts: 52
Does anyone know a way to increase the starting value of the backgrounds horizontal and or vertical speed based on an X value? So if X = 10 than Background speed  = Background Speed +1?



  • Posts: 6
It sounds like you answered your own question.
Question: X of what?  You've got x-position of actor, x-position of background, x-position of mouse hover, mouse click, etc.  You also have x-speed, though that would be mathematically messy.
The key to development is experimentation.  If you don't know how something works, try it anyways.  If it doesn't work, tweak it.
Sorry if I'm not much help, but it's something.


  • Posts: 125
Does anyone know a way to increase the starting value of the backgrounds horizontal and or vertical speed based on an X value? So if X = 10 than Background speed  = Background Speed +1?
whose does this X belong to? the player maybe?
If its a side scroller you are making, the parallax scrolling will help. I think you need to rephrase your question a bit.


  • Posts: 52
No I wanted the arbitrarily change the speed of the side scrolling background based on a speed Value (X)