FruitRequired Attribute Problem


  • Posts: 4
Can anyone help me fix the collision with collectibles problem in the game? I cant seem to make the debug console make the "Fruit Required" attribute appear in the game in Chapter 6  when I finish doing "Time for action - counting the fruit".


  • Posts: 4
the books says that the fruit required attribute is supposed to show how many there are of the group collectibles when I open the debug console during the game. I dont know if theres an error in the book or I didnt do something right


  • Posts: 27
Looks to me like you have    print fruit required  +  fruit required as text.  Should be    &   instead of  +.


  • Posts: 4
I already tried that and it doesn't work, cause you can't even write the word "Fruit required:"  in the left side of the " and " block and you can't put an " as text" block in the right side


  • Posts: 27
I did it with "and" and it worked.


  • Posts: 7
I already tried that and it doesn't work, cause you can't even write the word "Fruit required:"  in the left side of the " and " block and you can't put an " as text" block in the right side

Kennedy004 - stmaddox is correct, you need to change the block from a + to an &.


1) Choose a Print [anything] block
2) Make the [anything] a Text - Basics - {text] & [text] block
3) Type "Fruit Required: " in the Left hand box of that block
4) Make the right hand box a Text - Basics - [anything] as text block
5) Make this [anything] a Number - Attribute - Fruit Required attribute.

So you should have it as attached.