How are your Stencyl Jam entries coming along?


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  • Posts: 17524
How are your entries coming along?

« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 11:13:48 pm by Jon »


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  • Posts: 270
How are your entries coming along?
Decently well.
Play Gold Hunter on Kongregate, Newgrounds, or Stencyl Arcade


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  • Posts: 556
If you'd like to receive feedback early, I'd post it here first and only post to Newgrounds when you're mostly done.
Can you update the game after uploading it to newgrounds?
Little Drop - Try it out!
iphone/ipad Android
Newgrounds Stencyl Arcade Kongregate
Developer Website

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
How are your entries coming along?
Well.. I'm not sure... I was 1/4 done with a game, then it was going along great, and then I decided to make another game for the jam, But I ran into a bug with my code and I'm like "what do I do now"? So I'm gonna try redoing that whole behavior from scratch and a way to make the other codes not contradict with this one.
Making Dubstep is my passion.  Following
Christ is my greater passion.

View my SoundCloud page here...


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  • Posts: 2891
I aint started yet on account of I aint got no good ideas


  • Posts: 7
Never used Stencyl before...But I guess this is a good time to try it out. Hope I can get something decent together by the deadline!


  • Posts: 747
How are your entries coming along?

(Lost three days by fixing a very nasty bug - well, it was more a bit of a bad design)
Sure, my games won't get better with all the new features of Stencyl.
But I do have more fun creating bad ones.

MayazCastle Keeper


  • Posts: 39
Hey there guys check out my new entry !    hope it will get in top 3 till end of 28 march! but still needs more work to be done to it! stuff to add! in a word! addictive! in more  needs work! have fun! rate and comment! you have some badges ! and a 100 value 1 ! verry easy to get it! just you need to find the right button to press! or click! ok Enjoy !
Selling Games in flash its like eating a Donut. Selling them In Mobile its like eating a Donut with Jetpack!.


  • Posts: 124
How are your entries coming along?

Achingly slowly, considering abandoning it all and starting from scratch. Even booked a couple of days off work so if it all goes to hell I can whip up something crazily last minute.


  • Posts: 3
it seems only i have problems when i try to upload a image stencyl crash it was same before version 3.0 and its really piss me of i need to re start computer now and its f.. my motivation.


  • Posts: 8

1.I take it that entries have to use original content to qualify? I mean I'm sure you can't use licensed music for your game jam entry, but I'm just curious because I want to make a fan game. should I use an original idea or will a fan game be okay?


  • Posts: 26
How are your entries coming along?
Mine is coming along nicely! It's my first game, but I think it's a good first try. I'll probably push it to the 28th to get some polish in there. It's an action platformer called Rock-Paper-Scissors Wizard. :)


  • Posts: 78
How are your entries coming along?

Pretty well for my first Stencyl game :)
But the graphics are killing.... oh well I am satisfied with the second place also :)


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  • Posts: 371
Good, but still got a lot of things to do. hope I can finish it  :D


Many fails, but great! xD
I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!