How are your Stencyl Jam entries coming along?


  • Posts: 88
My game is starting to really take shape. It won't be long until I post something of it for everyone to check out.

Nice dude, i'm watching everyones games closely.  8)
I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!


  • Posts: 747
Wasn't sure if I polish Mayaz for the Jam or Castle Keeper. Decided to submit Castle Keeper, but it's a tough deadline for me now.   
Sure, my games won't get better with all the new features of Stencyl.
But I do have more fun creating bad ones.

MayazCastle Keeper


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  • Posts: 8
How are your entries coming along?

Pretty well for my first Stencyl game :)
But the graphics are killing.... oh well I am satisfied with the second place also :)
I've killed myself with graphics on non-Stencyl projects many times in the past! Make sure they don't bite you hard.

I think that the deadlines are a rough spot for everybody...

I've had to make a lot of compromises and drop features that haven't been working or cost too much time and effort. My graphics are still kind of rough around the edges and animations are unfinished. The enemy AI and stage design is hogging all of my development time.  :-\


  • Posts: 142
Hey guys,

Daniel Flores and I (Csaba Nagy aka Blacksmith) are working on a side scrolling game that could be described as single player motocross, but with a truck, and a relentless Alien spaceship that's chasing and firing after you. You are always driving to the right, and the saucer is always chasing you. The challenge is to navigate bumpy terrain while simultaneously aiming and firing at the saucer. It's not easy to do both. Trust me.

Here's a graphic that should give you an idea of some of the elements. Note there is only one truck and one spaceship in the game. I've also attached the pic.

Since we want to put this on mobile (Flash only for the contest), one of the most important design considerations was to have simple, and comfortable, controls. The simplest we could think of is to hold the phone or pad like a console controller allowing each thumb to press one side of the screen. Right side for speed, left side to aim your gun. For the computer you press two keys, like 'z' and 'm.'

So if you press anywhere on the right side, which is the gas pedal, and the truck will speed up. Release the thumb press  and friction and gravity will slow the truck down. The left thumb controls the  roof gun turret allowing you to tilt it smoothly along the arc  starting from 9 and ending at 12 o'clock. Release your left thumb and the turret slowly returns to it's starting position. To keep things simple, the gun fires automatically at a set interval. All you have to do is "just" aim. (You can't lock the gun at an angle, it's always rotating either clockwise or counterclockwise.

As I said above, what makes it tough is to simultaneously watch and handle bumpy terrain on the right while dodging spaceship lasers and trying to aim at a moving spaceship. I've found that it's kind of like the kid's game of trying to rotate your arms in different directions at the same time. It looks easy but requires a good deal of concentration.

I'll do more in a subsequent update, but we have draft physics down for the truck. We have kludged saucer movement. We have animations for the different damaged states of the truck and saucer. We have a random generator for the tiles and terrain which allows every run to be different. I.e. you can't memorize the terrain. And since the tiles are generated on the fly, we are currently working on levels 750 tiles wide (that's 24,000 pixels). We want levels to last between 30-90 seconds depending on the objective. We are also working on different layers for the background, clouds, hills, and closer objects like cacti.

Our to do list is very long. But among our urgent goals is to get the UI down, determine the level objectives (like jumping over the Grand Canyon :-), and of course making the physics of the truck and saucer much more lifelike. In addition we have the other screens to worry about, title screen, level screen, inventory shop/mechanic screen, etc.

We were able to compile a recent version and run it on iPhone 4 (on iOS 6 :-) and iPad 2 (on iOS 7), and we are happy. So we can put the iOS version aside and focus on the Flash version exclusively to get it polished.

1. Do you have any suggestions, or pitfall warnings, regarding games with similar two-button/two-finger controls? Can you suggest any games for us to review.
2. What kinds of in-level objectives do you think would be fun for a side-scrolling driver game?
3. What kinds of statistics would you like the game to present at the end of each level? (Or even in level.) Some of these could be considered achievements you might need to get trophies, bonus points, etc

I think it goes without saying that Jon is at the top of the list of people to thank. Without him I wouldn't be making games at all. There are also many, many other people that we should thank for their help with Stencyl programming. I can't list them all, but Tuo, captaincomic, Photon, Hectate, and Innes all deserve  special mention. And Rob1221, besides answering my questions so patiently, you wrote the tile API without which our game would not be possible.

Best regards,
Csaba and Daniel


  • Posts: 279
I really do hope to include a polished game on Stencyl Jam.

Right now I am doing the following:
     Fixing some bugs I found.
     Including music and audio.
     Finishing some level layouts / designs to create a challenge for the player.
     And I will do my best to enhance my artwork. Not only doing some shades / color tweaks, but I just found out that if I do overwrite the 1x image that Stencyl did re-size with a better one I make with Photoshop the graphics will be a lot better.

Hope to finish all stated above in time!

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  • Posts: 318

I think my entry is coming along ok. Though I've spent most of my time just on the art. (The picture shows some of the art assets arranged into a scene, not an ingame screenshot) Hopefully I will be able to finish before the deadline.

I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!


  • Posts: 310
Finished the engine! full 3d proper fov based mathsy 3d. Only works in wireframe though :(
Now for the game (top down racer), but got like, 3 times my usual dev cycle to go.....

There is another way of making 3D :D

Just use a lot of 2D images, going to try and make one after this competition!

There are so many games entered this year.

I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!


  • Posts: 747
There are so many games entered this year.
What's your entry? :)
Sure, my games won't get better with all the new features of Stencyl.
But I do have more fun creating bad ones.

MayazCastle Keeper

Soon! Still a few more days, until the contest is over XD

I'll submit it a few days before it ends, also i'm still very new to this only been making the game for 1 week and 4 days.

-1 week in a failed game  8)

Good luck anyway Dripple.
I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!


  • Posts: 310
The lots of 2d images stacked method has serious performance issues :)
The 3d method I'm using now has issues too, theres only so much trig you can throw around at runtime, hence the wireframe only.


  • Posts: 747
Nice one, MyChairHasALooIn
Sure, my games won't get better with all the new features of Stencyl.
But I do have more fun creating bad ones.

MayazCastle Keeper


  • Posts: 252
I really hope I can finish it it time. Just got all the levels in. Need to test every level. Then menu system. Maybe some extras in the game that will make it more challeging. I Still have a lot to do
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