Stencyl 3.1 - Now officially out! (Updated on May 23)


  • Posts: 39
mochimedia will be down at end of month will be the mochi ads still an option or will be removed cause i dont see the point of that in stencyl anymore! also can you do a when sound heard or playd or surtain high hat bass drop is playd to be able to trigger an event on sound play?! like when its higher or lower frequensy in sound actually playng hope to understand me!

if not ! other good question! when we will be able to export to ios from PC?! and not only for mac?! cause the studio license says export publish to anywhere /pc /mac /ios/android but ios publishing for pc users isnt avaible!
Selling Games in flash its like eating a Donut. Selling them In Mobile its like eating a Donut with Jetpack!.


  • Posts: 2691
if not ! other good question! when we will be able to export to ios from PC?! and not only for mac?! cause the studio license says export publish to anywhere /pc /mac /ios/android but ios publishing for pc users isnt avaible!
You may be able to publish to any platform, but not necessarily from every platform.

Even so, the PC/iOS dilemma has been noted and I know Jon would like to come up with a "fix" for it in the future.
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


  • Posts: 1617
when should the image clearing work with mobile?


  • Posts: 208
I would love to be able to call the camera on the device, take or choose a picture from the cameraroll and import it into our games.
That would open up for maaaany possibilities..
Particles would be great to and what Photics says, rotate camera...

Cheers !!


  • Posts: 40
To me, one major improvement would be in how information is passed from Actor to Scene to Game. Yes, there are Game Attributes, but they are limited in usefulness. For instance, there does not appear to be any way for an Actor to detect if it is inside a specific region in a scene. The scene can detect if a specific actor is in a region, but then it requires several steps to get that information back to the actor.  Likewise, it seems to be hard to set an actor as the "target" of scene actions unless it was either the last created actor or you set the actor as the target before the scene started. It would be nice if there were a built-in way for an actor to set itself as "it" that the scene would immediately detect.


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  • Posts: 718
For instance, there does not appear to be any way for an Actor to detect if it is inside a specific region in a scene. The scene can detect if a specific actor is in a region, but then it requires several steps to get that information back to the actor.

Isn't that done with an event? There's an "enters" and "exits" region option.
Michael Garofalo – Author of The Interactive Stencyl Textbook 8)


  • Posts: 6
OUYA & Google Analytics support next please!!!!! :D

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
One thing that I think would be helpful would be the ability to zoom in/out in the scene editor. This would really help with top-down games. Also being able to customize the camera would be really nice, E.G. zoom in and out, rotate, blur.
Making Dubstep is my passion.  Following
Christ is my greater passion.

View my SoundCloud page here...


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  • Posts: 9473
You can already zoom the scene editor.


  • Posts: 151
I think the main limitation with Stencyl is multiplayer support.

Mdotedot and I are working on integrating the Nuggeta API into an extension, so multiplayer games could be created with Stencyl.

Wow, Stencyl achievement of the year right there! :) How far have you come?
"It came from the forest!" a zombie defense shooter
Also, check out my RPG inventory system on stencyl forge or test it:
Current project (hack n slash RPG):
I also do Unity development both 2D and 3D


  • Posts: 310
Wish List:

- Google leaderboard and multiplayer
- Facebook login to share your scores with facebook friends via leaderboard


  • Posts: 1795
Wow, Stencyl achievement of the year right there! :) How far have you come?
We're not too far from having something that's worth releasing, but we still need to prepare some showcase games and some documentation/tutorials. If everything goes well we should be able to release something within the next few weeks.

- Google leaderboard and multiplayer
- Facebook login to share your scores with facebook friends via leaderboard

Nuggeta offers Google and Facebook logins (and Twitter someday) and the ability to challenge friends.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 488
Can't wait to see that extension coming,  :D, is Nuggeta the main player with regards to multiplayer SDKs? there seems to be a few options, are they all offering the same or each one have their own pros and cons?


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  • Posts: 17524
Updated with the following item.

Lifted Limit on Animation Sizes,30198.0.html#msg172797


  • Posts: 28
I think it would be a good idea to implement admob mediation for android and iOS with support for as many ad networks as possible. Also I wonder if the sound delay problem in android will be fixed in this release? I love Stencyl but to me this is a HUGE issue. Thanks for all the great work so far :)