Stencyl 3.1 - Now officially out! (Updated on May 23)


  • Posts: 747
Well, I think I will do my next puzzler completely with the new features Simple Actors and the Image API.

(Well, I could one please write a FMOD extension?)
Sure, my games won't get better with all the new features of Stencyl.
But I do have more fun creating bad ones.

MayazCastle Keeper


  • Posts: 244
A while back, I asked about any way to draw only half of a sprite. And now it's finally here C:


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  • Posts: 72
Sorry for my ignorance, but where can I download 3.1? I can't seem to find the info :(


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  • Posts: 72


  • Posts: 475
I would like to know Stencyl 3.1 support new Google Admob? I mean is it possible to ad Interstitial(full screen) ads to the games?
If not it would be great to implement in the near future because as I see it is increase ads earnings by 30%.


  • Posts: 376
Please get the 1/2/3.0/3.1 assets separated into version categories(I get upload errors emailed to me) and universal gamepad support! I'd love that.


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  • Posts: 9473
Which assets are you referring to?  The StencylForge already has a split on code resources betwen version 2 and 3.

Gamepad support is planned for the future (not sure when).


  • Posts: 376
I made a new sound pack in 3.0 out of new resources and uploaded it to SF, only to find emails from customers about an upload error.


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  • Posts: 9473
Looks like a bug with resource packs which I can confirm as well.  It probably went undetected as very few developers use resource packs.  You should start a new thread in the bugs forum about this issue (I'd move the posts but I don't have mod abilities in this subforum).


  • Posts: 1617
does the clear function work on mobile yet?


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  • Posts: 17524
Except for filters and some blend modes, everything should work uniformly.


  • Posts: 41
I have one request. Can we have a load sound block by name. It would be really usefull if you play with lots of sounds to be able to loop through sounds using names.


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  • Posts: 17524
For the detail oriented, we already have a full list of changes here.

We're waiting on one more critical one before we put this out, but it's practically ready to go out now.


  • Posts: 41
Get Sound by Name

Super cool! Thanks a million!

Any chance to be able to save images to the phone's gallery/load images from the phone's gallery?