Admob Extension Broke?


  • Posts: 256
I have the latest version of Stencyl, when I install "" through the install extension it does nothing. The extension is never listed inder extensions.. What to I do


  • *
  • Posts: 524
Hi skippertech!
Try to unzip the "" file and then put the admob folder under your-path-to-Stencyl/plaf/haxe/extensions/ . Be sure to close and reopen Stencyl. You should see the AdMob extension under Settings > Extensions.
.: BuruBuru :.


  • Posts: 205
Having similar issue. Followed your instructions, AdMob Advertisement is now listed under Settings > Extensions.
If I open Log Viewer, and place the mouse cursor over any AdMob blocks, Log Viewer outputs "[LOG] Missing: Show AdMob %2 banner ad with Ad-Unit-ID: %0 at: %1 .help"

If I use a built in event such as the "when an ad is viewed" -placing mouse over the block, Log Viewer outputs "[LOG] Missing:".
What is going on?


  • Posts: 256
I followed the first step and it worked perfectly, Thanks!


  • *
  • Posts: 524
Having similar issue. Followed your instructions, AdMob Advertisement is now listed under Settings > Extensions.
If I open Log Viewer, and place the mouse cursor over any AdMob blocks, Log Viewer outputs "[LOG] Missing: Show AdMob %2 banner ad with Ad-Unit-ID: %0 at: %1 .help"

If I use a built in event such as the "when an ad is viewed" -placing mouse over the block, Log Viewer outputs "[LOG] Missing:".
What is going on?

If you can see the extension under Settings > Extensions, everything should be ok. If you can see the blocks of this extension under the "Custom" tab in Stencyl, then it's definitely ok. Don't worry about those log messages. I think they are some warnings about a missing help file of the extension or the event.
.: BuruBuru :.


  • Posts: 205
Working now - thanks!

One last question: Do the AdMob extension blocks, work with the built in Ad controls?
For example, I am using the "Show AdMob..." block to show an Ad, then I am using the Event "when an ad is viewed", to pause the game. However the game does not pause when I click on the Ad...

It seems that the built in Events don't do anything yet?


  • Posts: 205
Anyone know how to create custom events that detect when ad admob banner has been opened? 

The builtin events inside stencyl only work for iAds...


  • *
  • Posts: 524
Anyone know how to create custom events that detect when ad admob banner has been opened? 

The builtin events inside stencyl only work for iAds...

The AdMob extension doesn't have support for events as of now, but I am planning to add some events such as "when a user clicks on a banner..." in the near future.
This thread was created because skippertech and other users had some troubles when installing this extension but your question is a bit out of topic, so if you want to ask more questions, please ask them here:,26435.0.html
.: BuruBuru :.