Papercraft Heroes (Tag-team Action RPG)


  • Posts: 36
Hey everyone! Here's my game jam submission.

Stencyl Link:
Newgrounds Link:

Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with what I was able to finish in time for the jam. Pretty much all of the combat mechanics that I worked on made it into this version, but there are still a number of things that I plan on adding in a sequel/update:
- Deeper RPG elements (upgradable skills, stats, equipment)   I was already working on it, but had to strip it out of this version because of balance issues
- A better tutorial. It's fairly mechanically dense and I really intended to roll out each concept gradually, but wasn't able to in time
- A campaign
- More spell effects, more enemies w/ more varied behaviors...more everything!

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and best of luck to everyone who entered the game jam!



  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Could you republish the game and mark it not as a work in progress? (This will get it to show up on the front of the arcade. Thanks!)


  • Posts: 36
Should be up now!


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Thanks. Could you also attach a logo to it? You can do this from the site.