Finished this pretty close to the deadline and ended up too tired to make a thread so here we are a day later.

Stack Bunnies!
Stack Bunnies is an action game about a bunny collecting weapons- all of which stack on top of each other- to murder a whole bunch of cave creatures with, all to gather enough firepower to destroy the cave keeper, whoever that may be.
PRO-TIP: Health restores to 3 after every room, so don't be afraid to tank stuff if you have to!
-20 different weapon types (8 per playthrough is the max load out)
- 8 semi-random levels

I wanted to make something crazy and push Stencyl to its limits when it comes to explosions and bullets and stuff on screen. Ended up pushing it a bit too far and as it turns out there have been people going through multiple playthroughs just to collect every weapon, so at that point the game lags, slows down, p much grinds to a halt. But it's fun getting there, I think!
Shoutout to Stencyl and NG for another great jam.