Kill a specific actor


  • Posts: 28
I am trying create a shield actor then kill the shield actor after a certain amount of time and so I created this behavior but I can't seem to kill it. There are no options to select Shield actor. Thank you. I attached a picture. Edit: the behavior is attached to the player actor.

You can make an Always Event, when {shield = 0}, kill self. (Inside the same behaviour)

Or, within the Shield actor > After N Seconds > Kill self.

Should be easy.
I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!


  • Posts: 28
Oh yeah sorry thanks. I was feeling dizzy.  :D

No need to apologize, my good man.

The more you Learn, the better you will be.


Anyway, have a good one!

And good luck.
I'm 17 years old, here to help and Entertain. {Also to make fun games}
Also, if you need help making a platformer, search {Jumper} in Stencyl Forge. This is a player with everything you need in it, that i made. Enjoy!


  • Posts: 713
I think that you can also store the "last created actor" as an attribute right after you create the shield so that you can call on it later.
You could also "trigger custom event" and make the shield kill itself when it receives that message.

I say this because "always" has a habit of chewing up resources when you use it too much.