Flash player errors


  • Posts: 32
I have been testing my game on the flash player and the flash browser. The flash browser is working fine and no errors are popping up, however I'm getting two different errors when I test my game in the flash player.

The errors are Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference and RangeError: Error #1125: The index 66 is out of range 65.

The first error occurs when getting 3 points or more (collecting 3 points or more/ score is 3 or more) and the playable character dies - switches to game over scene. The error doesn't show up when I die and get a score of 2 or below. The points are one actor type with a sensor collision.

The second error occurs when getting 21 points/score 21. The game crashes as soon as I hit the 21st actor/point and the error pops up.

I have created blocks at specific off-screen x-positions for the bricks to slide across from the right to the left of screen for the playable character to avoid. The points/collectables are set up as the same, with the playable character collecting them while avoiding the blocks.

I'm not sure on how to solve the problem as I've tried numerous ways to no longer have these two errors, but it's just not working.

I have listed below the errors that I've been getting.


RangeError: Error #1125: The index 66 is out of range 65.
   at de.polygonal.ds::IntHashTable/__clrKey()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/polygonal-ds/1,4,1/de/polygonal/ds/IntHashTable.hx:930]
   at de.polygonal.ds::IntHashTable/clr()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/polygonal-ds/1,4,1/de/polygonal/ds/IntHashTable.hx:511]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/draw()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:2996]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/postUpdate()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:2644]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/onUpdate()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:2578]

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
   at com.stencyl::Engine/getRecycledActorOfType()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:2002]
   at com.stencyl.behavior::Script/createRecycledActor()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/behavior/Script.hx:1597]
   at scripts::ActorEvents_112/init()[Source/scripts/ActorEvents_112.hx:59]
   at com.stencyl.behavior::Behavior/initScript()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/behavior/Behavior.hx:93]
   at com.stencyl.behavior::BehaviorManager/initScripts()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/behavior/BehaviorManager.hx:97]
   at com.stencyl.models::Actor/initScripts()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/models/Actor.hx:846]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/initActorScripts()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:1044]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/loadScene()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:762]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/enterScene()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:1664]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/onUpdate()[/Applications/Stencyl-full 2/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:2558]