I want to introduce to you Windroy, it is Android running with Windows kernel. It does not run by a simulator (such as VirtualBox), It keeps full Android capabilities. You can run all Android apps. Its really easy and usefull if you dont have a tablet or if you want to test an other screen size. And the best, it's free.
There is no Playstore so use this website to find app:
http://www.androiddrawer.com/And there is a trick if you want it in window mode. The default is full screen mode. To set main window size, set an environment variable WINDROY_RESOLUTION=widthxheight. For example, WINDROY_RESOLUTION=800x600
Download: (company site, chinese as it seems to be but safe as long as i know)
http://www.socketeq.com/PS: First post here, im starting game development by myself, im a french art student.