Emulating Android on Windows without Virtual Machine


  • Posts: 3

I want to introduce to you Windroy, it is Android running with Windows kernel. It does not run by a simulator (such as VirtualBox), It keeps full Android capabilities. You can run all Android apps. Its really easy and usefull if you dont have a tablet or if you want to test an other screen size. And the best, it's free.

There is no Playstore so use this website to find app: http://www.androiddrawer.com/
And there is a trick if you want it in window mode. The default is full screen mode. To set main window size, set an environment variable WINDROY_RESOLUTION=widthxheight. For example, WINDROY_RESOLUTION=800x600

Download: (company site, chinese as it seems to be but safe as long as i know) http://www.socketeq.com/

PS: First post here, im starting game development by myself, im a french art student.


  • Posts: 2
I just tried it and I can't do anything. It's useless. There is no file manager so I cannot install APKs. Downloading files from the default browser is impossible.


  • Posts: 3
I have sucessfully installed an app ... You only need an internet connection and the website (or an another) to find an apk, download it and find it in the "download folder" to install it.


  • Posts: 376
Does it need OpenGL 2.0? I'm trying my hardest to get Android running on my HP Mini.


  • *
  • Posts: 243
BlueStacks is way better.. If you wish to test your apps via emulator..

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