iOS testing bug


  • Posts: 10
As you can see in the screenshot, when I try to test my game on my ipad, there is a small rectangle in the upper left corner. I can't get ride of it, and I believe it is affecting my game. Is this an error on my ipad, or is there any way to fix this? Would appreciate any answers pointing me in the correct direction.


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  • Posts: 9473
It's the trial marker that is supposed to have text but it's bugged.  It goes away for subscribers.


  • Posts: 10
I believe that when my actor goes under it, it's x-value is negative. How (if I can) could I fix that so that the testing is not buggy?


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  • Posts: 17524
I believe that when my actor goes under it, it's x-value is negative. How (if I can) could I fix that so that the testing is not buggy?

Could you elaborate on this? Are you implying that placing the actor causes it to push it to the side?


  • Posts: 10
I have the game set to advance to the next screen if the actor's x-value go negative. When I move the actor to the area under that, my game advances to the next scene, even if the actor is still completely on screen.

Is it possible I just have too big of a collision box around my actor?


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Are you aware that the actor's x position is based on the left side?  If the left side is off the left of the screen screen by just 1 pixel then x is negative.


  • Posts: 10
Yeah I'm aware, I'll just make it like -10 or something like that. Thanks!